The skinny moms editors think that Angelina Jolie is only one inch taller than Kristin Cavallari. That's just a weird detail to get so wrong.
The skinny moms editors think that Angelina Jolie is only one inch taller than Kristin Cavallari. That's just a weird detail to get so wrong.
I know that people don't care about reality when they make these kinds of comments but it's just such a damn logic fail, it bothers me every time. Logic fail one is that tons of sex makes a vagina loose. Not so.
I never had a harder time making friends then I did in college. I had less friends in my college age years than ever before or ever since. I was consumed with loneliness during college and felt my "otherness" acutely. I guess it was good for that late night drunk novel writing I poured it into.
There is always greater variability among individuals than between genders. Some men are therefore going to be more like the "women" stereotype and some women more like the "men" stereotype. Which should just be common sense but so many seem to want to separate us into different camps or planets based on what private…
Also there is that mid 90's one hit wonder that song checking Courtney Love and Marilyn Manson and kicking their asses, or something like that.
I guess I need to see the dress from the front to begin to understand why the eff she needed to shave to wear it.
There are a couple therapy llamas here in the Portland, OR area. Rojo and Smokey.
Agreed, that story makes me dislike Kathy Griffin. Actually, I've never liked her, not on any personal level of course, just in that I don't think she's funny. I have so many friends with normally good taste who think she's funny so I've given her several tries and I just don't get it. She kind of seems like a…
It's could NOT care less. Otherwise, you do care. Drives me nuts.
Donald Trump just seems desperate for attention of any kind, desperately hoping people are talking about him, care about him, see him as news, find him relevant. But it doesn't seem to be working very well. Seems like it's just him talking about himself. Not responding to others talking about him, because are others…
I think it just looks like a hot mess, sheer panel or not.
I hope he does the right thing not because I give any fucks about JB, but because I care about monkeys. The right thing is the obvious thing: monkeys should NEVER be kept as pets, let the monkey go to a sanctuary and be a monkey with other monkeys.
I really needed a good laugh today and this delivered. Loved Sheinelle in particular. The laughing portion was nearly as long as the interview portion!
I am still struggling in my 40s with disordered binge eating. For the past 20 years my weight has yo-yo'ed by about a 35lb swing. It's not more dramatic due to an extremely fast metabolism and a heck of a lot of exercise; even when I am out of control, I just look like I got the extra 2o lbs so many do . I have been…
I am still struggling in my 40s with disordered binge eating. For the past 20 years my weight has yo-yo'ed by about a 35lb swing. It's not more dramatic due to an extremely fast metabolism and a heck of a lot of exercise; even when I am out of control, I just look like I got the extra 2o lbs so many do . I have been…
Kristin Chenoweth is confusing muffin fat with SKIN. My friend with a severe eating disorder (frequently binges trancelike on like 5-10,00 calories in a sitting) does the same thing, she goes on and on about her back fat. She's 5'9" and 115 lbs. There is no fat there, it's only skin! When you bend your skin makes a…
Ugh, "Don't hate the player, hate the game," needs to be retired. It doesn't even make sense, it's just a douchey way to deny responsibility for your own actions. You are not being forced to play the game asshole, "the game" is not responsible for your actions. You are.
I would say that one specific baby's best interest preclude the best interests of society at large and the adults in this situation. The baby's best interest is to NOT be ripped away from the only parents she's every known. That's gonna fuck her up and make her feel unsafe in the world no matter how great bio-dad and…
Hmmm... well that body looks a hell of a lot like my 43 year old and never gave birth body. It's what I call my both fitter and fatter body. I paddle twice a week, run twice a week, and do TRX twice a week. My primary motivation for doing so is keeping depression at bay and building community (live alone, no SO, no…