
Rehydration salts (from REI or any pharmacy) mixed in a glass of water with a Nuun tablet (runners use them to stay hydrated and packed full of electrolytes). Second glass of water has Cell Food in it, which is a water ionizer. The best bet is to drink one of these concoctions before going t to bed to prevent the

"But doing something like washing sheets makes me think of the messy kitchen which makes me think of our gross bathroom, etc. Then I freak out and wind up just eating ice cream and watching Hoarders."

See, I view my laziness as so tightly linked to depression, they feel inseparable. When I am in a happier state of mind, I am more productive and keep things up around the house. When depression has me in its grip, I am one with the couch. No dishes get done, no clothes put away, mail not sorted, slowly I lose control

Portland has them too. Sniff Dog Hotel has an attached cafe with wine and beer and they host dog happy hour from 5-7 every weekday. Your dog goes into the play area and you can stand around and drink your wine and view him through an open window in the bar.

I think the most telling thing is the girl saying she doesn't remember the last time she took a bath. Uh, so mom is probably lying dontcha think? If it were her clothes, the teachers and doctors could probably detect that.

Heidi Klum looks like a total badass in the photo where it looks like she has dropped the adult person she rescued onto the beach and is running back for others (right hand corner). Now that is hot. Good for her.

I feel that way too. Didn't she also say something like she met herself when she looked into her baby's face? It's along those same lines people go down when they say that having children is the ultimate life experience and no none really knows true love until they spawn, etc. Well I wanted kids and never met the

Until this stupid pole, I'd never even heard of Lisa Frank.

That's some serious sour grapes on part of the cast off AI contestant. Nikki Minaj isn't affecting whether he stays or goes. And the girl contestants ARE superior this year.

Cocaine was at almost every high school party I attended in the 80s. And the song White Lines played at every high school dance. I never did cocaine but cocaine is still 80s to me.

"Adorakble" does make me cringe. And it is also why I don't get all the Jennifer Lawrence love. Isn't the way she acts and the things she said the definition of adorkable?

That self righteous brown nosing shrew Faye Resnick has never been a cast member of RHOBH that I can remember. She's just been in a couple episodes, I think of the cast members as being the ones who have their names and faces appear in the credits. Hers isn't. So I don't get how she's leaving the show. But anyway GOOD

Having a baby when you don't want one under the assumption that once it shows up, you'll feel differently is HORRIBLE advice. Every person doesn't need to have a child. Geesh. I hate that so many people feel life can not be fully experienced to the fullest or you don't know "true love" until you are a parent, or some

It will be interesting to hear how the defense tries to explain all that because yes, it is just not a credible explanation at all.

Justin has got to be effing around in that getup just to see what he can get away with right? Cause he could not possibly look more ridiculous or unattractive like it's the spoof of a really un-self aware tool. Like he's auditioning for Tool Academy, right? Cause that can't be for real.

What's worse than referring to yourself in third person? Referring to yourself in third person USING a babyish pet nickname.

I think the majority of us had no issue with Samatha Brink asserting that she is pretty or liking herself; where she offended was her assertion that women everywhere were so insanely jealous of her that she is continuously victimized. She painted all women to be the evil queen in Snow White. She asserted very very

I hate Pepsi and I don't remember Crystal Pepsi but I voted for it because Titanic is the biggest piece of shit movie of all time.

I feel nothing but sorry for her... no one wants to believe that someone we love would hurt us and so she has convinced herself all is okay and it will never happen again. I do hope for her sake that it won't, but she is in love with a bad man. Foolish heart.

yay! Yea he is pretty polite, he has a bratty little sense of humor though. Love him so much.