
couldn't resist!

My dog looks like your dog's sibling!

I have never known people to be unsympathetic over the loss of a human loved one.

I agree with you 100%. I also think it isn't really that people are more sympathetic about animals, I think it's that non-animal people are somehow insulted that people can be JUST AS sympathetic about animals.

I was a teenager in the 80s and I don't remember Lisa Frank whatsoever! The cabbage patch kids were unavoidable. I didn't have one, but they only way you could not know what they were was if you lived life locked in a closet.

Dax Shepard just gained a new fan. Has he written other essays? He should switch gears on his career and do more writing, just beautiful.

Also true story, when I was in Taiwan I was served a vegetarian meal at a restaurant that came with no description of what said foods were. The main part of the meal was a gelatinous egg white colored blob with brown speckles. I tasted it and it was really bland and the texture was squishy in a bad way and I did not

I have kind of watched in amazement at people I know attempting to go gluten free or at least cut down... it's not a weight loss diet or a get-healthy diet but people seem to think it is for some reason I don't get. When I question them as to whether they are celiac, none of them are but they all think (for some

I never saw an episode (or even ten minutes) of TRL and I've never heard of "Did I Do That." I was in my twenties in the 90s. None of the cool kids were ever talking about either of these shows (assuming Did I Do That was a show). Maybe this was something tweens did in the 90s and I was just too old for it?

Yes she is going to look like Pete Burns if she keeps inflating that lip. Fake lips never look good.

Well this makes me sad. Once, back in the 90s, a friend and I tried to go to a movie but it was sold out, Walking home we passed by The Fillmore in SF and her show was just starting. We didn't know her music but decided spur of the moment to take it in. And it was a great effing show and she got off stage and sort

I have a hard time taking Swift's deep feeling for teenage boys very seriously. When I was a young twentysomething woman I never met or even heard of any twentysomething women chasing after teenagers. Most young women are more intrigued by older men, not teenage BOYS. She knew some little kid was trouble when he

I think it look like an overdone wig! Which is not a very fashion forward statement!

And what I saw in those photos (for the first time) is how similar Khloe and Kim's eyes look.

When I do buy them my decision is made based on the features listed on the cover. If there is something about before and after makeovers (I love those) or budget fashion, I am way more likely to buy the magazine. If the magazine instead it touting what a guy really wants in bed, WAY less likely to buy it. I am all

When I do buy them my decision is made based on the features listed on the cover. If there is something about before and after makeovers (I love those) or budget fashion, I am way more likely to buy the magazine. If the magazine instead it touting what a guy really wants in bed, WAY less likely to buy it. I am all

Kim K baby talks constantly and does that upspeak thing where she puts extra pauses in between words. It's as bad as you imagine.

Portland, OR has a lamp shade store too. That's all it sells, been in business for-ev-er.

Mercifully, I still haven't hear the Beebs sing, but I did JUST this year hear two Taylor Swift songs, and kill me now, "we are never ever ever getting back together" plays on endless loop in my head ad nauseum.

So another Jennifer Aniston cover then? B-O-R-I-N-G. I would rather have anyone else than repeating the same best selling cover celebrities ad nauseum. I think Sarah Jessica Parker is on that list too. Actually, I would just rather have models on the cover. As far as beauty goes a Rihanna cover should sell