
So your guy was already 7 inches taller than you WITHOUT the lie. Would you still have wanted to date him if he was 4'10"? Because that's what the equivalent to the situation I described would be.

I really am surprised at how many lie about things that will be obvious the second you see them, like saying you're a 5'9" male when going to meet a 5'9" female.

Also interesting is this: spinly skyscraper heels = sedentary as hell but I guess when you have personal trainers and chefs to tend to your weight you don't need the little jaunts from parking lot to store or god forbid, to walk to a bus stop.

I think stilettos are ugly and unflattering both. Like what the Real Housewives Beverly Hills wear? Uggo. I like some 2-3 inch heels with a more substantial heel and wedge sandals. Some of those are pretty comfy even to walk around in quite a bit. To me having a little heel is more comfortable than totally flat (I

Aubrey O'Day has nothing to offer in any category.

Well my mind immediately jumped to issues around food. Maybe she doesn't want other to see what or how she eats or doesn't eat for lunch. Obvs, I don't know her so don't know that she has issues around food but that's the first place my mind went. Point is this informant didn't actually say anything very convincingly

Where are the bathrooms?

I really am glad that she decided to help him out by admitting that the accusations are true: if you are "lucky" enough to book a job with Terry, you will be expected to give him a blow job.

Right, she is actually admitting that working with Terry = must give him a blowjob. And she doesn't see a problem with that. Just step aside uptight non blowjob givers, their are others waiting in line.

Yes Anna, he is so slithery and I do not find him appealing in any way. Also, he's a shitty singer.

Blaine is the blandest name

This sloth does not look happy. I don't think sloths like speed boats.

I think she's super cute even with silly hair (that I hope she keeps for a while).

I never said I was outraged and I'm not. But there are roughly as many modeling photos that are headshots or clothed as there are that are bikini shots and I highly doubt that of all modeling photos, only the biking photos carry the correct reprint permissions

A quick google photo search returns dozens of face shots, as many as biking shots. Also lots of the two of them together shots. It's a conscious decision to go with the skin photos.

I see so many of the responses are just insistent that fat people are unhealthy and driving up health care costs and how disappointing! Laura does a nice job of outlining the issues that ARE affecting the health of the nation and suggests that the fat shaming concerned souls work on those issues instead of passing

I stayed away because sports movies and TV shows, especially high school football, don't interest me. However, so many people I know with good taste kept mentioning this show so I put it in my netflix queue and I am now TOTALLY hooked and on season 2 after just a few weeks. This show isn't really about football at

I sure wish my non-pregnant stomach was as flat as Kate's "bump." Please she looks like maybe she just had a smoothie. I'd still call that a flat stomach.

She is headed straight towards a nervous breakdown. No matter what she tells herself, I can not and will not believe that any of this truly makes her happy. When you have the kind of mother who encourages you to exploit yourself and marry a man old enough to be your grandpa, of course your view of the world is

Pure misogyny... no brouhaha about average or below average looking male leads paired off with gorgeous out of their league women ALL THE TIME on TV and in the movies. On Seinfeld, Jerry and George regularly dated attractive women, Kevin James on King of Queens, Frasier, Jack Black, Jonah Hill, Ben Stiller, the actor