
Lena Dunham rubs me the wrong way sometimes, but this tweet was nothing but pure compliment to the courtesy she's received from NY cab drivers and I don't see why there needs to be any issue with giving a compliment.

I know there are solid reasons behind it, I just wish some organizations were willing to make case by case exceptions. My dog's gentleness could easily be proven time and time again but he just isn't the best student for stringent obedience training, and at 7.5 lb when he does fail to follow a direction (like "come"

They have this program in Portland, OR too. My dog has the PERFECT demeanor to do this job and I so wish he could. He is an awesome lap dog who is very good with children, very gentle, even when toddlers pull on his ears, and he will happily just sit in the lap of or next to anyone who wants him there all day long.

Poor bebe, why hasn't he been adopted yet? He's been all over facebook too. Usually when a dog gets that much press scads of people clamor to adopt, where is his rescuer?

There is nothing good about Chloe Sevigny's look. Her her hair: WTF! That old lady baggy dress, not even ironic hipstery chic. And she looks like she had a bad cold on top of it.

So did Lucy Lawless get more community service time for protesting then Breezy did for attempted murder? Wow!

Jessica Chastain and her adorable three legged rescue dog (I googled). True love. Le sigh.

Yep, yep, yep. Just tried botox my ass. Her lips are completely different and not in a good way. At all. Injected or implanted lips take on a different shape than that of naturally plump lips so they don't actually look like naturally plump lips, they look oddly unnatural and hard and not at all flattering. Her

What I wish this article mentioned is stay at home dads. I actually know more of those than I do stay at home moms. In a couple cases, it was planned that way and in a couple cases, it just made the best logistical and financial sense.

I don't think it says that in this article. From my life experience what it makes you is LUCKY. I know very few women who have the option to not work.

Legging done right can be super stylish, under shorter dresses and long tunics they are fucking great. I wore them that way in the 80s and now. Maybe the key to leggings success = butt and crotch covered. And depending upon accessories, the dress or tunic itself, the shoe, they aren't always super casual, not like

I think it's more like, astounding lack of self awareness and completely over-inflated ego partially due to early success and his mom who thinks her Breezy can do no wrong and should be worshiped just for simply existing. Nothing is his fault ever, that's what his momma taught him. Anything that goes badly is someone

My mom never once dyed her hair and rocked salt and pepper hair starting in her 40s, not because she came from a school of who gives a fuck, but because she came from the school of insecurity when it came to doing makeup, hair, nails etc. She did care about her appearance, a lot actually, but she felt that she was

Absolutely do it. Either buzzed really short or bald. Do not try to hide the baldness, embrace it confidently. Lots of us find it hot. And I know no woman who prefers trying to hide bald over owning your baldness, never met a one who liked that.

I am like that too, no gray, all white. But that's exactly why I like it / am not coloring. My hair is kinky curly anyway so there is no difference in texture between the brown hair and white hair. This is what my mom did too and I liked the salt and pepper. I suppose it's all individual preference but I think white

I am a tall woman and I have dated men shorter (even married one - briefly) but I always have, always do, and always will prefer a guy who is taller than me. Six inches taller than me would be awesome (and has never happened). But here's the primary reason I prefer 'em taller than me: sex. Taller guys are more likely

I wish I could be as "ugly" as some of those models!

I think he resembles Rob Lowe WAY more than George Michael.

Is she ragging on Gwyneth?

thirding that