The cat fitness post is the shit! I love it.
The cat fitness post is the shit! I love it.
IF Lindsay could've gotten her shit together, I would much rather have seen her in this role. The problem with Amanda Seyfried is... she just isn't a good actress. I want to like her, but every time I see her in something I see zero chemistry and very little ability to convey emotions. She had NO chemistry at all…
A "personal trainer" at some gym I used to belong to did a health assessment including measuring my body fat and concluded the percentage of body fat I had was that of an obese person's. This was when I weighed 130 lbs at 5'9" and walked five miles a day and did yoga three times weekly. It was obvious to me that he…
So what you're saying is, in real life you are skinny.
Mine roamed the streets in my auntie's neighborhood for two years before I went to visit him, spotted him and made him my own. He's like that too and I've had him for five years, still the same. And he wolfs everything down so fast he must not even be able to taste it. I need to get one of those bowls with the pegs…
How come so many of them have lips that look smaller in the AFTER photos too?
Basic TV lost sound too (no cable).
Straight female me used to go to gay bars all the time, mostly because my two best friends and partners in crime were a couple of gay men. No one ever made me feel like they resented me being there, no one made me feel unwelcome. And I never felt grateful for being allowed to enter either. This writer seems pretty…
Jennifer Aniston has been pregnant for 10 years! So ridiculous, how come this shit still sells. Does anyone anywhere in the world really care about Aniston baby bump stories? How is that even possible?
The kid in the last photo is a ringer for a young Rob Lowe.
Jezebel is making me like Miley.
Makes me wonder if she is at The Meadows in Portland, OR (filming Portlandia per chance?). It's a salt and chocolate store but mostly a salt store. I've been given the tasting and I have to agree with Carrie, the pink one is salty, the black one is salty, all the shades of beige are salty...
Her "rapping" voice is good too! Mindy sounds good. I just think she is so cute.
Those photos of Mila look like they should have the "Celebrities, they're just like us caption," on them. But I guess the media these days sees it's job as criticize no matter what. Too casual, too made up, too fat, too "scary" skinny. I would like the paycheck of these celebrities but I sure as hell would NOT want…
Smoking pot at his age is probably the most "celebrities, they're just like us!" thing the Beebs could do.
Mama June often makes me cringe but she gets some important things right. Like trust funds for her girls and teaching them that beauty isn't what you look like and what you look like is not THE marker of a person's value. That's a self-esteem lesson that would've done me worlds of a good if I had ever had it.
That is so effing cute I can't stand it. And then they went off to nap.
I feel the same way. When she first came across the radar I would never ever have guessed that I would end up thinking she's kinda awesome. I hope she keeps on in this direction.
Come on, it does not age her 20 years. She does not look 40 something. Plus this is a crappy picture. There are plenty of cute photos of her with short do, and she looks young in them. I'm not a fan, in fact I've never seen her on TV at all and I've never heard a single word she's sung, but I kind of like the attitude…
The first one looks like my baby so much, including the multi-colored nose. Looks like his hair will be long and curly everywhere once it grows out. My baby had to be shaved down like that too when I first got him because he'd been living on the street and had so many mats and tangles. Oh god, now I want to go to NYC…