Marx and Sparks

It sounds like a really miserable way to live. And by sounds, I mean, I’ve been all over the range of disordered behaviours, and it’s fucking exhausting and soul-destroying, and life is so much better when you just accept that you can treat your body well and it’s going to do what it does, and whatever the result is

Yeah, I think about that a lot. And I don’t know what the answer is. Porn is out there. Really violent, extreme, misogynistic porn is the norm now, and you can’t really put that cat back in the bag. Nor can you control what your 15 year old is looking at on the internet. And while I guess parents can and should have

“You’ve gotta stop with this pro-woman feminism stuff. Nobody wants that. It kills the fantasy.”

The World Ovarian Cancer Coalition believes “one in six will die within three months of diagnosis and fewer than half will be alive in five years.”

My favourite part was when she stirred her plain black coffee.

Yes, if you think sexual activity is a possibility in the future, it would be wise to get the vaccine.

But Black Panther SHOWS the real Africa which has suffered under colonization and neocolonization and explicitly states both how Wakanda avoided it and the moral shakiness of hiding away. So this argument doesn’t actually work to make the point you think you’re making.

Okay, but the original Heathers is firmly situated in the world we all live in as is, from what I can see, the reboot (minus them thinking that strides in social justice mean that queers and fat folks are now the oppressors). So comparing that to Black Panther or Game of Thrones is absurd.

Especially in her case, kink and fetish allowed her to have romantic and sexual relationships with men according to heteronormative assumption and compulsion when she actually had no authentic attraction to men at all.

Queer people and fat people can be mean, yes, but let’s not pretend that queer folks and fat folks have enough cultural capital to run the school in the way that, say, the Queen Bees in Mean Girls did. That’s the problem here. Bullies and traditional high school hierarchies run parallel to the hierarchies we are all

I have never even thought about Ashlee Simpson and Evan Ross, but after watching the clips in that link, I don’t think their marriage is going to survive much longer. They’re never alone together, they don’t seem to like each other, and when Ashlee planned a (2 day!) family trip she explicitly framed as a time to be a

She wouldn’t, though, cause she’s the best person he knows and yet somehow (somehow!) keeps getting better.

Heartbreakingly [??????] long legs

They won’t care. A hundred women could come forward with video evidence and they would find some way to weasel out of it because fundamentally they don’t think rape is a crime unless (maybe) it’s their daughter.

When did I say optics? They clearly don’t care and will happily have abusers and all sorts of unethical shitbags in their party without a care in the world.

Though if they can push this through that will definitively show that there are no consequences for conservative rapists, etc. so would they even have any leverage over him?

Which jacket is a fuckboy jacket?

I like titty and my favourite is tittay because it makes me laugh.

So this straight couple who belong to a homophobic mega church went to a queer bar and made out there? Jesus Fucking Yikes.