Marx and Sparks

How are we defining “physically healthy”? PTSD? Depression? Anxiety? These are all major contributors to many suicides.

If you think “this is totally fucking gross and inexcusable but here is a legal fact” is an excuse, I don’t know what to tell you. 

There are also a bunch of different flavours! I have orange right now. I love the anise one. I’ve used cinnamon, bubble gum, spearmint, peppermint, fresh mint. There are so many flavours!

I dated two men in my twenties who didn’t floss. Ever. It was disgusting. And, unfortunately, at that point I didn’t think I deserved better.

This is not at all defending the age difference (which is fucking gross), especially with the power differential present with someone so famous/rich/connected, but the age of consent is not 18 everywhere and in Canada, for example, is 16. Doesn’t make it right or not disgusting, but may make it not illegal, depending

She was born in Calgary (per Wikipedia) and was a host on Much Music lo those many years ago.

Here’s what I don’t get. He chooses to wake up at 2:30am. I see no reason he would need to have such a bizarre and anti-social schedule, but this is his choice.

“DRew is a Realtor”

What garbage is this? What a fucking slimy position. “We want to be seen as doing something! While ensuring he doesn’t face any real consequences! The best of all worlds!” Fuck off, CBS. Fuck off, Les Moonves. Fuck off all who are complicit.

I remember seeing the trailer for Life Itself and being just horrified by it. The Guardian review linked in the ONTD round-up makes me...want to see it? Because how can anything be as bad as it sounds/looks?

I guess there should never be another musician again, given the number who have already existed.

That’s a great point--it’ll be new and awkward for her, too! (And your name is hilarious.)


Hahaha. I’m into the shamelessly bragging!

I wonder if you’ve ever done CBT before? It seems like it might be helpful here, where motivation is a problem and you know the thingsyou could/should/want be to be doing but aren’t.

I am seeing a new person and we are getting to the point where making out and sex are likely imminent and...I am out of practice! It’s been a while and I feel nervous. How do you psych yourself up to get back into physical intimacy when it’s been a while? And is with someone new?

Do you use adblocker? That seems to be the culprit in cutting off tweets and instagrams for me.

It cuts the bottom of for me.

Wait, no, sorry. That is not what I meant. I understand the plus sign. What I don’t understand is people referring to themselves as a “[umbrella term] person.” Like, rather than saying, “as a bisexual person” or “as a lesbian” or “as an asexual person” or even “as a queer person”, it’s using an umbrella term for