Marx and Sparks

No. Men have sexual power in the sense that they routinely rape women without consequence. In the sense that women’s sexuality and aesthetics are shaped around men’s desires. In the sense that mainstream media, advertising, pornography, are all built around meeting men’s sexual wants. In the sense that women’s safety

The success of Gadsby’s comedy special is her calculated appeal to men.

3. That got past a copy editor? Yikes.

I think you’re asking two different questions here: 1. Can a single guy be friends with a married woman? Of course. The idea that women and men can’t be friends is regressive and heteronormative AF. 2. Should you continue to be friends with this specific person who is giving you bad vibes? Probably not.

Check out She has lots of great job hunting advice, including an interview manual that I can’t recommend highly enough (using it I have gotten compliments at multiple jobs about how great I am at interviews).

It’s not a huge amount per doctor, no, but studies have found that even getting a free pain from a pharma company will impact doctors’ prescribing, so...

I have never met a Canadian who used the word courgette (source: I am Canadian and lived in England for a while).

“Let them eat pasta.”--Some other queen.

I find it fascinating how the constant implication underlying “he said/she said” is that she’s lying.

High-five! I currently work in guideline development and while I am always jazzed when a new systematic review (on pretty much anything, I just love evidence-based medicine) comes out, the way it’s written about by the media is always...lacking.

It’s 12 months pay that can be spread over 18 months, and it’s 55% of your pay up to a maximum (I think 55% of up to $50,000?). So it’s not a huge amount but it’s certainly a lot better than nothing, and if you have a partner bringing in money and/or a top-up from your employer it’s pretty good.

We also get 12 months paid maternity leave (which can be spread out over 18 months), with top-ups from many employers.

Oh, this is like the one I read from an incel who thinks that virgin’s vaginas have the power to make tiny penises huge, but only the first time they fuck a dude, and so if they fuck anyone who isn’t their husband, they’ve doomed their husband to a tiny-dicked life.

It’s like you’re actively trying not to understand this.

As I said elsewhere, an analogy I like is to think about if you wrote an essay, submitted it, and got an F, then someone else copied your paper, submitted it, and got an A.

Not just carbs, lectins! Which are the new boogeyman du jour, never mind that they’re in most plant foods, that plant based diets have been shown time and again to be the healthiest options, and that beans are one of the healthiest foods you can eat.

Your argument seems to be “Yeah, but rape culture” as if millennia of not believing women is okay because that’s how we’ve always done it.

As I’ve said before and will say a million more times, my rapist’s sisters would SWEAR he’s a nice guy who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Why, he marches in protests for women!

The corollary of this is, if you know someone has cut a mutual family/friend out of their life, don’t encourage the cut out person to keep trying. That is not respecting your person’s boundaries and you’re doing it because you feel uncomfortable, not because you actually want what’s best for that person.

Really? Saying “Hey, wearing something that Black people get punished for isn’t really cool, as a person who will never be punished for it and will instead make money off it” is the same as a profoundly racist policy that did immense harm that reverberates to this day?