Marx and Sparks

Cameron Esposito (who I love) has an excellent new podcast called Queery where she talks to queer folks (mostly—but not only—in the entertainment industry) about identity, etc. and on one of them either she or her guest was talking about that idea of 24/7 authenticity and how it leads to these weird moments, like when

Ugh. That shit is so repulsive.

I have a significant amount of trauma in my history, and when it was really bad, I felt like I could only connect with other survivors. I realize now, as I’ve healed and done a lot of work, that there is this one piece of me that not everyone will get (not even all survivors), but that I can still connect deeply with

Thanks, Jinni. I think it’s an important and interesting conversation you’ve opened, it was really just that wording that hit my soft spots.

I’m glad to hear things are feeling better. Sounds like you’re doing a lot of excellent, hard work!

Oh yay! I’m so happy for you. <3

I have to admit, I’m bristling at “being in the closet” being used to refer to a desire to paint. I am out (to be clear, as queer) in certain circles and with certain people and not with others and that fact hurts a lot and it is something I think about literally every day. People in my demographic face higher rates

A man working for an organization that is routinely deporting people and enforcing a ban on people from Muslim-majority countries from entering the country sharing this joke is fucked up and offensive.

I used to have a friend who loves animals but doesn’t like babies. One time we were on an elevator and a woman came on holding a very cute baby and my friend said “Look! It’s a human puppy! I mean...”

When I was 9 or 10, drinking water from baby bottles was, very briefly, a trend at my school. One I embraced whole-heartedly, before bed. And then my mom forbade it because I drank so much water that I peed the bed. At least twice.

If I had a chronic illness (which I do) that I’d been dealing with for years (I do), I wouldn’t want a partner who doesn’t want to be with me to stick around out of guilt.

I’m pretty sure that’s per Choice Feminism, not actual, politically relevant, intersectional feminism. So, you know, be free to be critical of women, trans men, and others with vaginas too.

I’m a fainter, and I would be so embarrassed to have not just video of me fainting but a gif that gets posted all the time.

They had a right as in the right to free speech and assembly, sure. But I would argue they don’t have a moral or ethical right.

That’s still a lot more work than just changing your sheets. (But, more than that, I love top sheets. Give me top sheets or give me death, and so on and so forth.)

“Women, men, and children are bombarded daily with sexually objectifying and explicit materials, not only online, but in the checkout line at the store.”

My mom used to fill the kettle all the way (like a litre or so of water) to make a single cup of tea and then complain about how long it took to boil. I asked her why she didn’t just boil the amount needed and it was like watching a light bulb light up.

?? That hand is pushing the flap inward and up. Not lifting it.

You 100% should not be flushing your tampon. They are murder on sewage systems, require sewage workers to suit up and wade in piss and shit to pull them out, and cost tonnes of money. Just throw the things in the garbage.

Whenever I see things like that I can’t help but think of my hand getting eaten. Or a scarf getting caught and my head pulled in.