Marx and Sparks

More smoking, less exercise, far less preventative care (presumably due to discrimination or fear of discrimination from doctors).

Here’s a fun/infuriating fact: I was just reading at work today about a new study that found that lesbian and bisexual women have significantly higher risk of cardiovascular disease than straight women. So. Excellent timing, guys. Way to help worsen outcomes for queer women. You’re really doing God’s work, you

Sorry, why aren’t we supposed to laugh at “misandry”?

I had a rare but pretty catastrophic reaction to birth control. I also had the regular “acceptable” side effects (which are not, actually, all that acceptable). I was dating a man I would 100% trust to take the pill. It would have taken an immense burden off me to not be on the pill and I wouldn’t be living with the

This is a really scary perspective. Food is a biological need, without which we die, and from which the caretaker gets little-to-no personal pleasure. Sex is a desire, the lack of which does not cause death, and the act of which would give pleasure to the partner. They are not remotely comparable.

Yeah, a woman would be called “brave” for being photographed (likely without permission, we should note) in a similar body.

I am reading still/again Salt, Sugar, Fat. It’s really interesting but the author is...loquacious and it’s making it kind of a slog. Every person he introduces (and there are a lot) is given an absurd amount of background. “Kenbur Smithfield worked in marketing for Coca Cola from 1987-2000. He first tasted Coke when

It is truly repulsive that they exist and there is no ethical argument for why billionaires should exist and no ethical way to be a billionaire. (I’m a hit at parties! Rich people love me!)

Not only are teens hitting milestones later, as George said, but the idea of youth you get from TV/instagram/etc is NOT how most of your peers are actually experiencing it. They’re having far less sex, doing far less drugs, and doing more normal boring everyday stuff than you see.

I’m not sure the exact mechanics, but use computer wizardry to make billionaires not exist any more and redistribute the wealth to those who need it.

Start low and go slow. Don’t keep smoking until you “feel something”—it takes a while. Have a puff or two (depending on strength) then chill out for 15 or so minutes and see how you feel, then taper up or not from there.

I would definitely associate it with the show and I’ve never even seen the show.

I got to see Cameron Esposito and Rhea Butcher perform two nights in a row!

That is horrifying and I can’t believe (I mean, I can) that the school has done nothing about it.

It is! Young Hank Azaria who seemingly has barely aged since then.

I think you say it, once, with a lot of love and out of concern. Like, “I know you’re really liking John, and I’m so happy for you, but I have to tell you there are a few things I’ve noticed that concern me. I hope I’m wrong, but I felt like I had to tell you. [lay out concerns] Again, I hope I’m wrong, but I know

I firmly disbelieve this is “energy” and rather it’s our subconscious (what I think of as my “gut”) picking up on cues and other behaviours that our conscious minds dismiss (often because we—especially women—have been taught to dismiss inappropriate behaviour from men as boys being boys, flirting, etc).

And also, what the fuck is the motivation of the crime-doers in the Purge? I think it’s fair to say that most crime is economically driven, whether petty theft, murder, or insider trading, and those things have chronologies of their own that, I imagine, would rarely align with the Purge.

I keep thinking about getting one, but I don’t understand how the bidet nozzle itself stays clean.

Men, generally, get their emotional support and intimacy from their partners rather than their friends. So a relationship ends and suddenly they’re adrift, whereas most women have a few or more close friends to lean on, get support from, enjoy life with. Plus, all the domestic things women almost inevitably end up