For clarity, to whom are you speaking?
For clarity, to whom are you speaking?
There was some sleaziness to his plays, but nothing that seemed outside the Tom Haverford playbook of overreaching. Certainly nothing that constitutes coercion.
The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.
I’ve long (begrudgingly) praised her self-preservation skills, long believing that when the Trump ship finally starts to sink, she’ll be the first one on the lifeboat she had stashed away while others are still scrambling around looking for anything that floats.
Did anyone else get the vibe that she was thinking of herself as Trump’s fourth wife? Like, it was obviously never going to happen, because Trump is racist as fuck and even if he slept with her, he’d never marry her, but she always had this sort of starry-eyed hero-worship look in her eyes whenever she talked about…
My ex-wife worked in medical management. One group of bariologists she worked for were a couple of guys from Tennessee who went to med school in Grenada. One of these knuckleheads had his certificate from passing the English test that Dr’s from foreign colleges have to take in order to get a license here hanging on…
Because Trump is famously a teetotaler. And that’s one I actually believe. An alcoholic can plausibly lie and say he’s a social drinker, but he can’t lie and say he’s a teetotaler. Nor would Trump want to. The image of a powerful man with a glass of top-quality scotch absolutely reeks of apparent authority, which…
I’m on Team Stroke.
It’s staggering to imagine the amount of methamphetamines he ingests daily. Between that and the fast food, I bet his heart flutters like a hummingbird’s.
I have to be honest, and I’m sure I’ll receive flack for it, but I get what she’s saying. Yes, women should be able to walk into a business meeting (regardless of the unusual setting that it’s taking place in) and be safe.
I would have to assume that NBC had plenty of evidence, even if it’s circumstantial, to make this move. Social media seems to be full of people deriding NBC and siding with Lauer because he’s “guilty before proven innocent”. It wouldn’t be a stretch for them to have known about rumblings and, given the current climate…
So it wasn’t because of the sexual harassment, but because of the racism and sexism? Ah ok. Got it. Doesn’t make me feel better about Lasseter or Pixar, though.
Didn’t help Gwyneth Paltrow...also, it’s possible that she has been sexually harassed, just not at Pixar. Also, maybe Quincy Jones and Peggy Lipton prepared her in the same way that Tippi Hedren prepared Melanie Griffith and Dakota Johnson. Misogynoir is real, and I’m sure it cut for Rashida Jones.
There’s footage from a reality show he did of him screaming at Aaron, getting aggressive and getting in his face. Nick Carter has always struck me as a volatile person who makes it worse with heavy drinking and drug use, so this doesn’t surprise me at all.
Panda panda panda panda
It was ridiculous that people thought it was OK to name her without her consent. You can’t just go around telling people’s stories for them. And in this case it was an assumption not based on fact.
I clicked on that last link because I was like, I’ve never heard of Desiigner, I wonder what he did for a congrats. He was photographed pissing against a building, which ew but whatever. The more important thing at that link is a gallery of stars who had their picture taken on the toilet which is apparently a thing?