
Then Giuliani’s an even bigger fucking idiot than we thought. Trump doesn’t pay anyone.

Imagine if someone had the foresight to just dropkick him off the building during that photoshoot.

Criminal justice expert here. These cops were clearly justified in their actions, as they were obviously provoked by Mr. Ohene discovering a foolproof way to preclude their He was reaching for his waistband! bullshit.

If this were a reality tv show I would almost bet that in next weeks episode the mystery guest star would be Anthony Weiner, thus providing the scandalous linkage to Obama via Hillary’s former assistant.

Again, when someone is having a mental breakdown, do not call the fucking police.

Hannity calls it office furniture. I call it a torture device.

“Michael Cohen was never my attorney, I just asked him legal questions and paid him money so I could invoke attorney client privilege.” - Some fucking Jabroni.

Nixon had real lawyers who pressed his right to executive privilege all the way to the Supreme Court. It wasn’t their fault Nixon recorded everything like the paranoid weirdo he was.

Update: Hold on, EVEN BETTER:

Well, now we know who Trump is talking about when he talks about the corrupt media.

The Pres sharing a fixer attorney with a prominent mouthpiece on his favorite propaganda network is certainly one way to get “fair” media coverage. When you imagine it can’t possibly get more putrid...

As someone said upthread, Fox News seems to handle sexual harassment payouts in house or hires real lawyers. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s some shady real estate dealings.

I keep thinking about this. I am not a lawyer but even I have a better grasp of what attorney-client privilege means than these people do.

More like: Been fucking around and want everyone to know in the worst possible way? Call Cohen: We’ll get your secret mistress on 60 Minutes!

I can’t say I’m that surprised, honestly; when you look at the specific level of incompetence coming out of Cohen, it sort’ve follows that his clients would have to share (or surpass) said incompetence in order to trust him as an attorney.

Outside of the sort of services one pursues when drawing up a living will or

That shirt is the crime here.

Cohen is an awful attorney whose practice solely consists of sending cease and desist letters to the mistressesof rich white men. That begs the question: who did Hannity fuck?

“With all due respect Mrs. Hanabusa, Chinese, Japanese, Dirty Knees, Look at These.”


When she corrected him I’m surprised he didn’t say, “Take it easy, Japanezy!”