Scott Pruitt lives in Oklahoma and knows that he will be dead before rising sea levels or poison air are his problem. Pray for a big fracking earthquake, that’s our only hope.
Scott Pruitt lives in Oklahoma and knows that he will be dead before rising sea levels or poison air are his problem. Pray for a big fracking earthquake, that’s our only hope.
If Voodoo is real will someone please voodoo Scott Pruitt? Think of the greater good wiccans and spell casters.
I think the Root is working on a racial guilt calculator to help you formulate your shame quotient.
She’d be better of focusing on what percentage of her own ethnic community abhors the notion of transgender. As convenient as the white boogeyman is, white ppl are more accepting of gay or trans than black ppl. That’s a fact.
Except that’s all you talk about and you love it. Black america LOVES talking shit about white people- admit it.
What 2017 American doesn’t understand that every group of people distrusts/dislikes people that don’t look or act like themselves. This generalization is universal.
“Taken out of context” is the most bullshit excuse ever. Shut up or be held accountable you divisive charity case.
Lazy oversimplifications are always wrong. It’s not ok because she can check an extra minority box. “All” statements are for divisive losers.
Fall makes lazy tv watching feel less guilty.
Casting is generally done by filtering head shots, not sorting names like a spreadsheet. She’s full of shit.
We won because the NFL wanted to embrace a pro small market conspiracy and not call fouls on us? Makes sense. It has nothing to do with having the most dominant secondary in the league and that the Broncos were scared to get hit. We won by 40. That’s not a conspiracy thats a beat down
and that other dude is a scum bag autotune junkie.
No he wasn’t. Russ never leaves the suburbs. Only the secondary occasionally hang out in the actual city.
Where did you get your x-ray glasses that can see race through masks?
Hungover wimps. Daryl Strawberry uses to swing his coke straws at the plate on Sunday morning games.
You understand that voting requires math, right?
White and black America fought the Nazi’s in WW2. Literally 85% of America is anti Nazi- even the GOP senate is mostly against Trump on this. You dont get to shit on white people for not caring enough about Nazis in WW2.
On this lazy ass site it can
I’d say the white lady who got killed by Nazi’s did have a right to worry about what happened after they spoke. Go easy on the broad generalizations. Nazi’s dont just kill black people.
According to the Root this is virtue signaling. BTW- the Root is hypocritical, intellectually lazy hate speech masquerading as a social justice platform.