
The cronies yes, the peasants, no.

The scary thing is once they’re sold they aint coming back. It’s so evil. How can the right defend someone selling their land when they get nothing in return?

You meant to say heroin, right?

You meant to say heroin, right?

People who are more interested in policing word choice than intent and actually winning the larger argument are self-defeating bullies. A unified front is everything.

Only gas lighting the haters like you who seem more interested in playing word police than actually winning the larger argument. Bullying the left over semantics- that’s petty, self defeating and it ain’t a recipe for a unified front of power- no wonder people like you are so bitter and powerless- you’re addicted to

Who needs a unified front and winning the larger argument when you can nitpick buzzwords and ignore intent? Richard_Cream is every service industry manager bully-policing allies is his pinnacle

Does this apply to the white woman who died Saturday?

The Root is basically a bitter sack of hypocrisy masquerading as social justice. You can both support BLM and think the Root is a garbage, hateful website.

Nitpicking the delivery when the intent means well is bullshit. The left should focus on winning the larger argument and leave the petty messaging style points for the buzzword police. 

Nobody knows what the fuck they are doing and if we mean well then fuck people who are consumed with nitpicking the delivery. It’s counterproductive, intent is everything. Internet message police are low rent bullies hiding behind buzzwords.

If you mean well why concern yourself with the leftist messaging police? Unfortunately the left is just as concerned with style points as it is in actually winning the larger argument.

You lose points for pointing to Amazon, the least edgy and most mainstream consumer tool possible. Would Frank Black link to Amazon?

You lose points for pointing to Amazon, the least edgy and most mainstream consumer tool possible. Would Frank Black

That cocktail is borderline suicidal. Benzos and painkillers don’t mix- he knows better. Tiger needs antidepressants if anything.

Not to worry, nobody in Tacoma knows what a newspaper is.

The strongest economies are on the coasts- look at WA and CA- liberal as they come yet the best industrial innovators. Taxing wealth isn’t the answer- tax trust funds and inheritance like the Waltons where the true wealth is.

Exactly, nobody on the left wants to talk about low voter turnout gifting the right a Trump presidency. If we are still just whining behind keyboards in a year then we are truly fucked.

Voting for liberal causes actually is helping disadvantaged populations. Was the white lady who died on Saturday not doing enough? Your arm chair oversimplifications aren’t helping anyone.

As opposed to conservative economic policies helping? Trickle down economics has been thoroughly discredited Mr. Reagan.

Regardless, the language of business is English and that won’t bend to American’s 2017 rationalizations about cultural access to education.

The Harvard lawsuit was filed by Asians, you know that right?