Bullshit, he knew damn well he what would happen to the team with Bennett. Schultz is petulant scum.
Bullshit, he knew damn well he what would happen to the team with Bennett. Schultz is petulant scum.
Exactly, there was no chance for Seattle to retain the team because Stern wanted to spite us for not having tax payers buy the new arena. There was only one option- sell to someone who would move the team. Meanwhile we have Amazon and MSFT money while half the NBA is in depressed markets. Also part Thunder owner…
Don’t forget they’re pure muscle with giant claws and fangs whereas humans are basically chicken nuggets.
Says the guy whose never done it and never will.
This takes real balls on his part Considering he works in a gun crazy Texas market
Of course Drake is the guy talking shit from behind a wall of security. If there was a God he’d make Drake actually have to back up his big smarmy mouth.
Almost nobody with STATUS has the gall to speak honestly with any consistency for fear of losing said status.
What’s the basketball equivalent of WAR on a 46 point, 43 shot performance? Who needs analytics when you perennially lose in the 1st round?
This is what he gets for choosing to play in a Suburban mall parking lot franchise.
It’s too bad Kawhi took a page from the Derick Rose school of how to bitch out due to bad family advice.
And proof that rich people can get away with murder, even black rich people.
Darren Sharper anyone?
Isn’t Russ just a more flamboyant Carmelo? They both combine legacies of big scoring with underachieving whenever it matters.
Exactly, don’t be fooled by the demeanor, he still shills for a political brand of cancer. These are the guys who legally made corporations people.
The turnover is due to a GM that can’t manage a budget and 5 terrible drafts in a row. The Seahawks aren’t dictating anything, they’re flailing.
Seattle has a housing affordability crisis yet our supposedly liberal city council pretends to not see the deluge of foreign speculation buying houses with cash, sight unseen and then turning them into rental properties. Yay for lip service liberalism.
Or kids are lazy and obsessed with easy screen time. Not everything is a conspiracy.
PBS is my jam and I dont care how old that makes me sound.
Popular opinions are cover for intellectual laziness, severely overrated.
Genocide and occupation isn’t the same thing and the Palestinians initiate aggression as well. The Israeli’s have the economic upper hand but Palestine has Iranian-backed terror groups.