
The sad irony of the Root’s indifference to Asian racism ala Floyd/Pacquio represents a new frontier in “journalistic” laziness.

Except for the “dirtbag left” didn’t vote last year and seems to be more content talking shit online. The Left is in a tailspin because at the end of the day Republicans reliably circle the wagons and present a unified front in general elections whereas the left would rather cannibalize it’s own on buzzwords. The left

There’s an audience for public executions too, it doesn’t legitimize it.

If Esports are real sports than masterbating to the internet is real sex

Portland is 99.9% white and has actual rednecks living in city limits. The whole state of Oregon excluding Eugene and Portland are redneck. Oregon isn’t the Patagonia ad they want you to think it is.

It’s basically in an office park next to Citrix. The worst corner of corporate nerddom.

Whatever bro- the prefunk at the Hyatt Regency makes Wrigleyville look like a funeral.

Black people dont have time to vote but they got time to whine online. Shit kind of adds up dont it?

The irony of black racism on full display. Stay woke internet warrior

Every woman who owns a small dog is crazy. Probably half of dog owners are terrible, neglectful parents yet approximately zero percent of these people have any self awareness.

Yes, the second half is where it really happens.

Little old lady from Pasadena LOL. The Beach Boys are the soundtrack to Chilis

LOL. Pet Sounds doesn’t have 4 good songs.

Pet Sounds is the most overrated album ever. It is completely unlistenable save 2-3 songs. Anyone who says they listen to it often is a total fraud.

My saving grace is a semi permanent homeless camp set up on the sidewalk of the park next to my building in Seattle and most people are too scared to park next to a pile of broken shopping carts. I care not as my car isn’t cool and if a homeless person wants to smoke on my hood while I sleep so be it.

Tupac was smarter than every commenter that agress with you on the Root and that was 20 years ago. Stay racist bruh

Nothing builds community like divisive and close minded racial judgement. Stay woke lady.

The worst might be the Seattle Times, whose entire editorial board exists to not offend Amazon’s ongoing power grab in addition to the token black writer relegated to only covering matters of black angst and never anything else.

Krugman was consistently right during the Bush years for what that’s worth. I’d be lying if I understood his economics lectures though.

Kenny you are a fucking mind reader. Can you hire homeless people to sleep on his car as well?