The O schools, Oregon and Oklahoma seem to always be competing for the sleaziest athletic departments.
The O schools, Oregon and Oklahoma seem to always be competing for the sleaziest athletic departments.
Mitch sleeps just fine at night, he’s a sociopath and these whiners are just losers who didn’t work as hard as him. Democrats should stop assuming Republicans have hearts and that our protests do anything other than amuse them.
Simple, tough talk wins and people get it. Why are the Democrats always running longwinded wimps? The formula, especially in the south is pretty fucking straight forward- the Dems deserve to lose if they are too arrogant to see the forest through the trees. We are the problem.
Democrats needs to stop running pussies and actually speak in plain, oversimplified terms because that’s what wins these swing states. I’ve never seen Osoff before but he looks like a yuppie mated with a pussy. I bet the woman who beat him could also kick his ass with one hand tied behind her back. This is the south,…
Of course they win the midterms, they have momentum. What are the odds the Democrats hit a grandslam when all they do is slap the occasional single?
Seattle votes liberal, should they be doing something else?
And one could be a lazy hater. Don’t generalize.
How is Seattle getting more racist? King County is actually getting more diverse - just not blacker. Seattle’s minorities are Asians- Punjabis. Part of the problem is seeing everything in black and white- which Seattle isn’t.
A lot of people want whites to feel bad though- you don’t- but I think that’s part of the struggle. Good people who are helpful are being told they can do no right isn’t helping.
In terms of those words’ definitions- yes. However disagreeing with some of the strategies and messaging that supposedly belongs to the BLM movement does not make someone racist or wrong. We need to be able to disagree on some points to achieve the greater good.
Maybe it’s the media greying the matter but does BLM have a succinct credo or elevator pitch because I don’t know what that is?
I did not like it. Maybe something will click later. Ronson was a sketchy producer choice imo.
I am sympathetic to the (legally impossible) idea to just prevent any white men from owning guns, including police.
The audio seems to confirm she was a suicidal, time bomb and dared the cops to shoot her while holding a weapon. She isn’t a victim but she is a tragedy. The knee jerk racist screamers need to find a better martyr.
Did you listen to the audio? It sounds like she was suicidal and daring them...
Cops almost never go on trial, it comes down to review panels that are protected by their union. A white jury isn’t the boogeyman in your scenario.
So the race of the puppet itself is racist? Each puppet was a different color and race apparently. So the takeaway is the puppets need to look more real or can only depict races other than black? That’s not paranoid or anything. Notice nobody is freaking out over the yellow or orange puppet...
Except the SPD isn’t liberal. All cops are GOP, lay off the lazy generalizations.
Do you live in Seattle or are you just an internet expert? White liberals vote for the best interest of liberal causes so if you are expecting something more from a predominately asian/white city than you are unrealistic and setting yourself up for a lifetime of dissapointment. Voting liberal is the most a stranger…
Picture or its not real. The solistice parade is a big hippie fest.