
Don’t you know finished build pics are supposed to be at the beginning of the post?

Congratulations! I thought slideshows were the bottom of the barrel, but now the slideshows don’t even hide their next/previous slide banners. They are always present, blocking whatever media your new corporate overlords decided you had to share with us in a slideshow. I know you didn’t break this, Matt, but it’s sad

This is definitely an after dinner game, but if you’re into board games and your date is, too, I can’t recommend Arkham Horror enough. This game can be daunting if you’ve only played Monopoly and Sorry, but it’s cooperative (you or your date can’t get salty when you lose!) and the complexity means that it can take

This is definitely an after dinner game, but if you’re into board games and your date is, too, I can’t recommend

I would play games after dinner, but one my wife and I like to play is Pandemic. What’s nice about it is that you play cooperatively instead of against each other, which is great for date night, and it’s not overly complex so someone that isn’t as into board games can still pick it up pretty quickly.

I would play games after dinner, but one my wife and I like to play is Pandemic. What’s nice about it is that you

I would love to get your feedback on how it performs at softroading (driving off the pavement, not rock crawling).

That Lancer is awesome! I have to drive by Cosmo motors anytime I go to Charlotte, and they always have interesting cars on their lot. It’s a little odd, though because Hickory is about an hour from Charlotte and not a particularly affluent area.

I think most of the southeast allows for hog hunting, but if they could start offering a small bounty on feral hogs in coastal areas that would encourage hunting them. If I could go out and bag a couple hogs near the coast and get paid $50.00/ea then I would go hog hunting on free weekend days for a little extra cash.

I would also look into the V-Strom 650. It’s similar to the SV650, but more touring oriented and at 6 foot 250 lbs, I find it to be excellent. It’s got plenty of power to get out of it’s own way, but not so much as to be a difficult starter bike.

Space Jam. I still love it, but I cannot watch it.

Another good tow story, my wife and I were in my 90 Corolla and the transmission shit the bed. I called for a tow and they said someone was on the way. He got there after 90 minutes and got my car on the tow truck, but we went to get in the truck and were in for a surprise. He decided to bring his very pregnant wife

My driveway is steep and does not have flat spots, and it exits onto a road that is also a hill. I parked my car in the driveway one night and came out to a totally flat tire the next morning on the front driver side. Well Subaru says you shouldn’t put the donut on the front so I needed to pull off the rear tire and

You’re in a pretty sweet position not having to drive very often, but A LOT of people still have to drive to work (like the people running those restaurants and grocery stores) or drive for work like most restaurant and grocery delivery companies. Those are generally lower wage jobs and most people don’t have 30+ mile

An auto is great when you have 2 vehicles; a fun one and a utility one. For me, that would be getting a cheap beater truck for a second vehicle in which case I would not care if it was a manual or not.

This won’t work for checking the temperature of your food, and using this to see if your meat is cooked will quickly reveal to you the error of your ways or will make you sick. This thermometer will read the surface temperature of your food, but meat you’re cooking will be a much higher temperature on the surface than

This won’t work for checking the temperature of your food, and using this to see if your meat is cooked will quickly

Is this how they created the Fast and Furious franchise?

How is the cabin quality? Is it comfortable and quiet? This is probably too much to ask for, but does it feel premium in the high trim levels?

Ireland is such a great place to drive. My wife and I went there for our honeymoon and stayed at 4 or 5 different places around the country and got to drive all over. The countryside is beautiful and the countryside is littered with winding narrow roads. Having driven across the US (coast to coast twice, and once from

But what if it’s legitimate that I can’t get another stick because of my wife? In 2017 I got a Mazda 3 with the 6mt and in 2020 I got a Crosstrek with the 6mt. For the life of me, I cannot get my wife to learn how to drive a car with a stick.

It looks great, it’s got the specs (HP, torque, lighter weight), so the performance should be there.

It doesn’t hold up. I watched that movie hundreds of times as a kid, but I tried to rewatch it recently and couldn’t finish it. I decided it would be better left as a fond childhood memory.