
Look at TabJuggler for Chrome too. It has options for


Didn't think of that. I guess you could add an exception to the game for the person who kept their phone last. Or not. SOMEONE has to pay.

Looking at that picture, I just came up with an even more ingenious game.

Yes, on that "Note" there is. As Silver said, The Galaxy Note!

Something like this [] because the PS3 has only two USB ports — one which would be used up by the PlayStation Eye Camera, leaving you only one port for charging. This lets you charge 4 controllers from one port.


True, but I do actually quote the opposite, take my DSLR on holidays, vacations, and trips (in the same area/State too), because nothing beats the image quality of that and I just get frustrated. For all other times, I use my phone, 5mp is sufficient for those one off pictures, or just random things you see. My

Hmm, but I need just an Android phone and a DSLR. No Point-and-shoot rubbish.

No 1.. Isn't that like the creature (forgot what exactly) in Artemis Fowl?

The Nokia N8 has a camera with a larger sensor than most point-and-shoots, and is actually better than most of them. Other than that, nope, no phone can compete. And yes of course, I would never buy an N8.

what is?

Haha, How I Met Your Mother. Awesome.

I don't know about you, but I have five toes on my left foot. Jokes apart, Gizmodo meant left leg, not left-most toe. Dominant as in your big toe.

Woops, didn't see that.

magus-21, you do that because you have a phone with a headphone jack on top. If you had a phone with a headphone jack on the bottom, i.e. the more sensible way because it takes less effort to put and take out of your pocket, you would keep your phone upside down. For e.g., if you didn't have headphones plugged in,

Yes! Gizmodo is really stupid, if you put your phone in your pocket while holding it normally, it will always (if you are not ubnormal, that is) go into your pocket upside down. Even the 4th Generation iPod Touch has the headphone jack at the bottom. It's the proper way. Who turns their phone in their hand and then


Maybe it's because Gizmodo featured this and everyone went to look? And from other sites also? :P

1. Make a post "predicting" something that happened any time in the past