same goes for Rutger Hauer and bunch of others.
same goes for Rutger Hauer and bunch of others.
For what it’s worth, in Person of Interest (which was the most recent Nolan/Abrams/BadRobot collaboration) there was quite a bit of mixing of timelines without ever explicitly saying that they were not contemporaneous with the main plot. Additionally, several of the directors of upcoming Westworld episodes appear to…
the fact that we did not see his rape scene with Dolores
“Too much, and now the android is being driven largely by internal rather than external forces, and that can spell trouble.”
That was horrifying! To realize that time and time again she has remembered those entities, but recognizing a pattern isn’t enough to break the cycle!
All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again (I can’t be the first to make a BSG related comment, right?).
There are some clues that suggest it might be true, last night they seemed to be taking pains to draw parallels between William and MiB. Logan suggesting that “we should have more of a stake in this place” could mean that this was a time in which investors were still being sought, which seems unlikely 30 years later.…
From a philosophical standpoint alone watching Maeve puzzling through the reality of her existence is amazing. Trying to put yourself in her shoes as it happens is an existential crisis unto itself.
A few thoughts:
some argue that her laser focus on winning the election has been more of a detriment than anything else.
Not defending the abuse but Catholic Charities is second only to the states at providing social services to the needy. Foster care, mental health, special needs education, adoption services, etc.
Oh come on. I’m a former Catholic and now atheist, and I’m disgusted by allegations of abuse. But religious groups, especially Catholic ones, contribute substantial amounts to charities and non profits and that money can keep an organization and thus its clients afloat. Signed, a social services worker primarily…
I HATE Leo with the fire of a million suns. I always have. My favorite part of Titanic is when he dies.
I’ve only told this story to my closest friends. I haven’t even confided in my sister (for fear of the obvious shame). Please buckle in because this tale needs to be told in length.
Bring back disemvoweling!
The banhammer is gone, but your repetitive Donald Trump jokes are making me consider bringing it back.
Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself.
I agree with most of what you said; women should be given much more information than they are (luckily I have an amazing female gyn who is very receptive to my concerns), and you should always, always pay attention to your body.
Thank you for this wonderful breakdown of how statistics can be skewed. There may be something there, but only for a very small number of women.