
Christian women are not passive recipients of their religion, they are very much active participants.

The Church's opinion of birth control was not nearly as set in stone as it seems to be today. We have John Paul II to thank for the Church's rigid stance on birth control.

I would hope that the writers of Jezebel are aware of the great diversity within Christianity. Not all Christians are white evangelicals or Catholics or from the Bible Belt. Even within Catholicism there's quite a bit of diversity in terms of theology and cultures. The cause of this disconnect is not the Christians,

I'm an atheist. This is not a defensive comment because I feel attacked. This is a reminder that the faith of others is complex, multifaceted, both personal and political, and is intertwined in many different ways with a person's life. It's never as simple as "the church says birth control is a sin and I don't believe

Next time you feel you can reduce someone's faith into a two sentence post with advice on how that person should interact with it...don't.

I am pro-tipping and pro-tipping generously but 30% as a minimum is nutty.

I got her back! Also, here's a bonus photo of her being EXTRA fucking gorgeous. Whenever someone is like "you sued a crazy drug dealer for your cat? Why?" I show them this photo. Could you say no to this face? I think not.

About seven years ago I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I was lucky in that it was fairly isolated so they just chopped that sucker out, but I was devastated by the treatments. Just.. so so sick. An old friend of mine (we'd shared a really shitty apt in NYC in my early 20s and during this time she and I had had a

Reposted from last year (same question)(still gross!)

I've told this story before here. But.

When she showed up at our apartment with a toddler. Cute little bugger- looked just like my at the time husband.

"Sorcia, I'm in love with your best friend [a dude with a hilariously ridiculous name that I cannot post here]. We're moving to Virginia and I hope you'll be happy for us."


You're obviously under no obligation to answer this, but in what way do you identify as a minority?

"Who would they be trying to impress, by the time they're past 30?"

FWIW, I read your original comment exactly as you have reiterated it: that it is a heart-wrenching situation to see them all in turmoil over it, and that you can see how having or not having another kid affects them all, possibly negatively.

I don't know where people are pulling out all this aggressive "OH, YOU MUST

Who would they be trying to impress, by the time they're past 30?

To me if as a family a husband and wife both decide to not have more children and there are no underlying health or socioeconomic issues - all things being equal - the man should step up and do it for the reasons I listed above. No one's situation is the same as other so your mileage may vary.

I agree with you here.