
It's not actually clear that he was cat calling her, the real story is unknown. Carolyn Bryant said at trial that he asked her for a date but I think we can all agree that her report is suspect. Some said that he wolf whistled at her, another lynchable crime in the 1950s (1800s, 1910s, 1920s,1930s,1940s,1960s)

Yeah. I am an intensely private person, which is probably at least 50% the result of growing up with my mother (privacy is for her, not for anyone else). I don't like sharing my thoughts all the time (sometimes, yes). MrsPye is a "if I think it, I say it" kind of person, so when I'm quiet, she usually asks me, "What



Now playing

Jon Stewart deserves serious props, no matter your choice of political party. He's gotten in more shots on republicans than I could ever count, but we (republicans) are better for it and it's sad to see him leave. He also created a way to do the news that for a younger generation is not just tolerable but widely

I've had 6 jobs since starting law school in 2006, and at every single workplace, this has been true, though I hadn't really ever thought about it until reading this.

Yes, we don't stomach honor killings here in the educated west. We just torment the girls until they do it themselves, you know, like good Christians.

Bushes come and go out of fashion.

For real. No one else should ever attempt this.

Fair enough. I actually had a brain fart and inserted that song into the Top Gun scene. It was fairly seamless, evidently!

Here's the thing, PenelopeParadis, I don't care if you like the same music I like.

If one more person on Twitter credits this song to CCR... it's Screamin' Jay Hawkins people. Come on!

I was raped when I was 19 years old. It was by a guy I had known and thought of as a friend. He must have put something in my drink because I blacked out for a while only to realize I was being led to the bathroom where I started to vomit. Next thing I know he sticks his tongue in my mouth and I black out again.

I made a burner for this and will probably be stuck in the greys but here goes. Also, possible triggers.

Really? Is it really that surprising that people might be complicated and have some level of cognitive dissonance—especially after a trauma (like getting raped by someone you love and are good friends with), and that their attitudes towards what happened and how they feel about it and understand it might change over

Sometimes people you love do shitty things. Sometimes you still love them afterwards. Sometimes it takes a while to realize that you don't love them anymore, and that they never were the person you thought they were. What I see in those chat logs is a woman who did love her rapist, and who wanted desperately to go

Or, "there is no evidence of rape!" As a lawyer this boggles the mind. Testimony is evidence. If she testifies that he did it, that's evidence. Just like if he testifies he didn't, that is also evidence. What people are really saying is that men are more trustworthy than women, at all times.

Dear Josie: You are my hero.