
Blood quantum, enrollment, identity, and tribal sovereignty are huge, complicated, and sometimes deeply painful issues for indigenous communities. The reasons that people are weighing aren’t shallow or unimportant, even if you disagree with the way it’s being covered.

I love, love, love supernatural/occult horror movies with heavy atmosphere that puts you off balance, and where there’s an unusual turn in the plotting that keeps you feeling unsure. Suspiria, Candyman, and It Follows all accomplish this in different ways. They have wildly different settings, are thrilling to be

I really liked Oculus and really liked Episodes 1-9 of this show. The ending almost ruined everything else for me though; Oculus, on the other hand, had the decency to see its fucked-up premise all the way through to its totally inevitable and horrifying ending. 

Ah, thank you. Glad I cut bait!

What I’m saying is that it’s fair for a guy to be upset if his partner secretly goes off BC to get pregnant. However, your willingness to act like that’s 1:1 with rape makes it clear that I’m not going to get anywhere with this conversation.

Literally what is your point? No doctor is going to hold a guy down and perform a vasectomy if he doesn’t consent. Come on.

You seriously don’t think that in a healthy relationship, a discussion about whether or not to have an abortion is pretty standard when one party finds themselves unexpectedly pregnant and uncertain about what to do?

...because they’re a couple? This isn’t, like, a legal argument. It’s a marital “we” decision the same way having a kid is even though it’s only happening in the body of one spouse. One spouse can’t compel the other to either get pregnant or get a vasectomy - but in a healthy relationship, you work together to make

This so strongly reminded me of a flashback scene from season 2 of The Handmaid’s Tale that it sent a real chill up my spine. When a government begins to invalidate the identities and lives of its most vulnerable citizens, it feels like a harbinger of much worse direct action to come.

Yeah, and the entire weight of the special rests on revisiting, deconstructing, and moving past that exact sort of joke. Or were you not paying attention?

I think conflating what she describes with “maintenance sex” does a disservice both to how horrible her story is and what people talk about when they use that term. She explicitly calls it sexual abuse, and includes enough detail that I think any reader with a brain and a heart can tell that it’s different. 

This feels truly full circle for me, as Stila’s stay all day eyeliner remained in a perfect cat-eye through my election night 2016 sobs. No exaggeration. I almost wrote a Sephora review built around this information. 

Just because you haven’t personally seen all the evidence doesn’t mean it’s “unsubstantiated.”

This is what I don’t ever understand. Who the hell thinks women cook up a false allegation for fun and to reap a reward of sunshine of roses? In real life, it’s completely the opposite in even the clearest cut cases. I was once a corroborating witness in a horrible situation that happened in public, in a work setting.

Well, she was raped. Which is illegal. Unfortunately, the kind of sexual abuse that she details is difficult, if not impossible, to prosecute, even if it’s nominally against the law. It’s hard enough to get a conviction in situations with tons of physical evidence, so understand why you’re painting with the broad

(not sure what the show is saying about adoptive parents here, though, since Angela only thrives in the arms of her birth mother, who, unlike the testy Mrs. Putnam, loves her wholeheartedly)

Because he’s savvy, and it’s his brand. Think about how much press he gets every time he does an “EPIC” stunt that other actors don’t do. Other actors could do this kind of thing, but generally aren’t allowed to - but he’s figured out how to make the risk* profitable for him and for the studios. It’s actually one of

The next day, Mindy Kaling posted a picture of her eating an ice cream cone at the Friendly Store in Centennial. I still haven’t come to terms with this information.

That’s lovely and really captures how cool it is to see the whole town full of fireworks at night.

Haha, we actually made it a point to be up in Lander for the 4th for the last few years that we lived in southeast WY (we turned it into a nice circuit where we drive up through Dubois to see friends, go over Togwotee, and then camp outside Jackson for a night or two to round it’s a good little route).