
Yeah - I am hoping people understand, because we went on a honeymoon, then moved immediately after, so by the time we weren’t in a full-on absent-and-hectic state, it was more than a month past the actual wedding (and plus we’ve both been working crazy hours all summer, though that’s less of an excuse). I’m telling

My hunch is that the NFL will simply argue that this proves that players suffer from it from the years and years of football they played before the NFL.

Oh, we’re still in the writing stage (we are now at 3 months out, and guilt is beginning to set in on my end for not having finished) and I have a short list designated for him to do that he hasn’t touched. To be fair to him, he spent most of the summer working 12-16 hour days. But I give him 2 more weeks before I

I do think LW’s tone is pretty casual there. “My mom is scary when she’s mad” is not necessarily an indicator that she actually finds her mom frightening, to me it read more like “my mom can be a lot to handle and enforces her standards like a bulldog and honestly it’s usually easier for me to not argue with her about

A rhetorical question I asked myself when being prodded for the umpteenth time by my mom about not having finished wedding thank you notes within two months. :)

People are piling on the LW here and I think it’s because they’re paying attention to Jane Marie’s misread more than the letter itself. LW has had no issue writing thank you notes to this point - she’s just saying that this gift barrage from friends of her parents that she’s never met is getting to be a little much

As someone with family members who are sticklers about this, I gotta say I don’t think the issue is that LW doesn’t want to write thank you notes - it’s that her mom is pressing this cycle of gifts-from-strangers and demanding immediate responses. Five minutes might not seem like a lot, but it can be a lot to suddenly

The obvious solution for LW2 is to firmly but gently tell her mother that she needs to dampen the gift parade from her friends (if that’s what she wants), and that LW isn’t responding to further prompts re: thank you notes, she’ll do it on her own time and thank yous might even happen over email (the horror!). (If the

The Exorcist scared the hell out of me because I was way too young and raised Catholic. Now I watch it for moody background comfort food. The book has a few legitimately gut-churning moments, though.

At this point I don’t think anyone is trying to shame Barbra for controlling how she’s shot - it’s more like, let’s once again all circle up to give the woman respect for OWNING a room.

Now playing

I am not sure why you’re projecting this narrative onto Miley.

I like GGG but was pulling for Canelo too. If I squinted hard enough at the fight I could imagine being a person who scored it 114-114. Therefore I can imagine it coming to a majority draw. I guess. Again, squinting at it and assuming a judge or two got up to buy popcorn instead of paying attention in the middle

Kate Hudson is also subject to the same scrutiny (probably even magnified, bc she’s famous and therefore garners multitudes of shit opinions, as in this case) as other moms who’ve had C-sections. The Twitter hot-take assholes are completely overlooking the possibility that she might have been called lazy before over

As a Baltimore Catholic by birth and raising, I’d like to formally disavow the cash bar on behalf of my clan. We might be trashy assholes in purple camouflage, but that’s just not done.

That might be true for you, but it’s not true for everyone. For a lot of cultures, weddings are just as much about families. The idea that it’s ONLY about the bride and groom is not actually universal.

I honestly don’t understand why this is still newsworthy. He’s not wrong from either a practical or scientific perspective (seriously, there’s research on this) that repeatedly discussing the rumor, even to refute it, will make it worse and lead more people to associate him with the story. He’s already said it’s not

When I was an 11 year old girl, I was a ninja for Halloween. I think ninjas are cooler in general, gender aside.

I just read a summary of it and my eyes have melted out of my face.

Best interests of the kid matter first and foremost. LW cannot cut him out of their lives. It’s not really about what anyone “deserves” so much as what you have to do practically to maintain both boundaries and a coparenting relationship. I completely agree that LW needs to boot him from her house, but it is

Well, it’s just like Jesus said - “I was a stranger and you took me in, but only after I asked nicely and in front of a national audience.”