
Wait wait wait, are people forgetting the Maeve (Medb) who waaaay predates Mab from Shakespeare? Medb was an Irish queen who essentially started a war out of spite to prove she was equal to her husband; the war was over a prize bull that she wanted. It’s one of the most famous Irish myth cycles, and involves

Holy crap dude, that’s not whiteface, that’s MILK. That’s what you pour in your eyes to counteract the burning when you get tear gassed or maced.

You have no idea how hard I’m resisting just spamming you with names of Baltimore associated people and fun historic facts e.g. MANY PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW THAT THE NATIONAL ANTHEM IS ABOUT BALTIMORE...etc. I feel like I’ve been training my whole life for this.

I love this story so much I’m not even going to correct your spelling of Bawlmer. ;)

Baltimore should be on your list for many reasons, but this is a good one! Spend some time there and you’ll suddenly understand much more about how he came to be. Remember, Bmore produced Frank Zappa too.

Fair enough, though I myself first saw this being shared by No DAPL advocates without needing it to be a response to someone saying “but REALLY?” I’m just tired of the “well there MUST be two sides to this SURELY the tribe was being unreasonable” responses. So much of it is documented now, you know?

They ask for both. I prefer giving cash where I can, but some of the things they need people might actually have on hand already. As long as you’re filling needs they specifically require it’s definitely ok to send items from their list.

Move to Baltimore! He’s a staple around town and I’ve yet to meet a person who’s had a bad encounter with him. He was very nice to my sister as she checked out his groceries.

No, no, you have it all backwards! It’s those damnable selfish babies, always needing frivolous things like food! Harrumph!

I’m getting a little frustrated with people asking this question in a “devil’s advocate” way when there is information available on the subject. Here, for example, is an excellent piece by an archaeologist that explains why the survey the Army Corps relied on to document historic and cultural sites was flawed and

There are places where immersion-type approaches have been taken to save languages — check out Nkwusm, a Salish school on the Flathead reservation. The problem is often the generation gap; many of the remaining speakers are very elderly, and there are parents who want their children to learn the language but do not

If you want to donate supplies, there is a list of needs (pay close attention to the details — for example, they need sleeping bags, but sleeping bags that can go down to at least -10) and a link to an Amazon wishlist here. Winters in ND are brutally cold, so keeping people warm is crucial to protecting their safety

The Irish were not considered white at the time they were discriminated against. Ditto with Italians, those of Mediterranean descent, Eastern Europeans, etc. Whiteness has historically been extremely mutable.

I know you’re trying to empathize, but realistically, white atheists are not going to be persecuted. Atheists may face some challenges running for public office, for example, but that’s not remotely comparable to something this existential and frightening. These issues are really about race. Let’s try to keep that in

Right, well, you’re not a Catholic then, I assume. I bailed out of the church for a lot of reasons — the treatment of women was actually a bigger deciding factor in that decision than my actual atheism. But I cannot see this as anything but a positive. There are a LOT of practicing Catholic women who will be helped by

This will also likely save lives, because Catholic women who have been inculcated with the idea that abortion is wrong may be more willing to pursue abortions in situations that threaten their health and life.

Yeah, I’m now convinced MiB is not William for a few reasons, even though I thought that’s where they were going. For one thing, William knows about the maze, and MiB just explained that he didn’t know about the maze until he killed Maeve and her daughter, which wasn’t that long ago.

Well, Americans don’t care (unless an American is winning), so it’s TOTALLY not a sport! Did I get the math on that right?

Maybe it’s because I was raised Catholic, but I think guilt and shame are underrated weapons as far as getting people to shift behavior. I had a lot of substantive, nuanced conversations with people leading up to this election. Sometimes that works. Sometimes you just make it known to people that they had a hand in

God, amen. Thank you. I’m seeing so many posts like “hey, I know we don’t like it, but now we have to go to work! It’s time to go to work!” This word, “work,” over and over (and forgive me for saying it, but a lot of it is coming from well-meaning progressive white men).