
The mythology mostly matches up too. I mean, from the limited amount of it we’ve been exposed to in the show. I also sort of love the idea of a robot revolution and the robots left symbolically repurposing human artifacts at the end of it.

Oh yeah he seems lovely in person! Just funny how is onscreen persona is always soaked in weird menace.

Haha, yeah, he worked really well as (this version of) Yondu. Maybe GotG2 will finally up his onscreen good guy factor!

Love Michael Rooker, but once you see him in Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer it becomes impossible to cast him as a lovable good guy, I feel.

So, they are basically adapting the kachina for the purposes of this universe, right?

If the player piano starts up with a version of “All Along The Watchtower,” then MAN THE BATTLE STATIONS, some shit is about go down.

I wondered (and I think other commenters have said this too) if maybe the image isn’t baked into the native images/lore as a kind of failsafe for if something gets screwed up and androids actually see the hazmat guys. It creates an in-world explanation for the image that justifies the odd “foreign” quality of the

Interesting. But why wouldn’t he scalp her? Would she have said something to indicate to him that she didn’t have the map?

The question of pleasure, on both sides of the equation, is a pretty interesting one. I mean, we already know that the park is built to encourage various kinds of sadistic behavior (murdering people at will, going “black hat” for fun, Dolores). So yes, it could very well be that the programmers recognize that any

Oh interesting. 1) I think it’s awesome that ALREADY people are microanalyzing fonts and labels to find clues. This show better live up to that level of dedication!

I agree, but I also think sort of the by the numbers performance of sexuality in the context of robot prostitution was a fantastic contrast to the last scene on pretty much every level.

Talk to me about this. I had 0% considered that the timelines could be muddied to that extent, but thinking about it now....I could imagine that being possible. OMG.

Maeve finding those drawings made me legitimately gasp; it turned my stomach. I agree — it was one of the creepiest and most upsetting small surprises the show has pulled off so far. It also had the excellent effect of jumpstarting Maeve’s development — she is not starting from square one (or two, or three) it turns

This is a nifty contrast to that sexually charged scene between Maeve and Hector that ended the episode. Having a moment that focused on their interior lives and drives and desires really put into focus that they are becoming (or are) people in a way totally outside the scope of the predetermined tracks they’re on.

I’m not doubting you, but I really am interested to see the lit on this so would you mind dropping a link or suggesting an author to look at? That genuinely surprises me, as the grandkid of staunch Kennedy Democrats who raised dyed in the wool Democratic kids (and by extension grandkids) too.

Yup, it’s TKD! How many layers of stereotyping is this now? I’m losing count.

I am retroactively embarrassed by not getting it the first time. CARRY ON.

Ninjutsu is also Japanese, isn’t it? Kung fu would work. (But would still be racist.) (Unless it came in the context of a really, really specific and non-racial joke about The Matrix.)

This is fucked up on so, so many levels more important than this, but: karate is Japanese. They can’t even get their racism right.