
I’m not doubting you, but I really am interested to see the lit on this so would you mind dropping a link or suggesting an author to look at? That genuinely surprises me, as the grandkid of staunch Kennedy Democrats who raised dyed in the wool Democratic kids (and by extension grandkids) too.

Yup, it’s TKD! How many layers of stereotyping is this now? I’m losing count.

I am retroactively embarrassed by not getting it the first time. CARRY ON.

Ninjutsu is also Japanese, isn’t it? Kung fu would work. (But would still be racist.) (Unless it came in the context of a really, really specific and non-racial joke about The Matrix.)

This is fucked up on so, so many levels more important than this, but: karate is Japanese. They can’t even get their racism right.

To be fair, holding anyone to the standard set by Cooper Nielsen is terribly unfair. He’s an amazing dancer, and a great choreographer (it’s just that as a boyfriend, he kinda sucks).

This is a strong Kennedy burn that frankly has gone unappreciated in its time.

I think it all rides on what happens with the Alvarez fight, and I don’t think that Conor would ever hold both belts long enough to defend them both. My guess is this: if he beats Alvarez, he’ll be marketable re: the whole double-belt thing, but he’ll ultimately vacate the featherweight belt and keep fighting at 155.

While I appreciated the opportunity to do a quick dive into some of the deeper cuts from Witherspoon’s filmography tbh this quiz did not tell me anything I didn’t already know, anyone who has ever met me could tell you I’m a “Totes Y’all” who desperately wants to be a “Cool It, Y’all.”

If anything it sounds worse, because anytime you bring French numbers into a sentence you automatically sound unhinged.

Telling off trolls sounds so much classier in French. Next time someone is mean to me, I’m going to say “à tous les haters, je vous souhaite sincèrement... un prompt rétablissement” then put on sunglasses and glide away.

It literally came out in the 90s so I didn’t remember it until I was putting together examples, but — here.

Bob Dole. Jesse Jackson. Limbaugh. Hell, Tiger Woods.

I’m sorry, are you arguing that a person who knowingly sexually solicits a child should not go to prison? I just want to clear that up before proceeding.

Being sexually attracted to children vs. being inappropriate with his sexual boundaries with his child are different things. Few people were suggesting that his sexting indicated a sexual attraction to small children. Many of us WERE suggesting that literally photographing yourself in a sexual position in the same

Uh, what? One does not solicit minors for sex knowingly in an effort to get revenge on the Clintons. Come on. There doesn’t need to be some ulterior political motive for gross predatory dudes to be gross and predatory.

The Enquirer has actually legitimately broken quite a number major political scandals, e.g. John Edwards.

All over the internet, when the story broke that Weiner was being investigated by CPS, lots of people were claiming that it was *ridiculous* to think that his private life could have any impact on his ability to parent (even, you know, when he busted through some serious boundaries of appropriateness by sending sexts