
I think the thing is, you never get to decide for another person whether or not they’d “rather know” or “rather not.” I don’t know how I’d react if my partner told me he was cheating — whether I would want to work it out, whether I’d need a break, etc. I might be really unhappy knowing. But he doesn’t get to pick for

In which case: the “change jobs” advice amounts to “have a kid after you have tenure,” which is what plenty of people say anyway, which often for women means waiting until you’re 40, an age at which having a child is a much less certain and far riskier prospect — which really means “don’t have a kid if you want to be

This is what I’m wondering too. I don’t really understand why we should expect that neither men nor women miss or restructure work hours when necessary etc. to deal with family obligations. My dad left work early to take us to soccer or the doctor sometimes, at least as often as my mom did. I have memories of going to

Cruz argues that it would be a disservice to the American people to allow a lame duck president appoint Scalia’s replacement, drawing on that nonexistent lame duck clause to which Warren refers in her post

You know, you keep saying this advice is “effective,” but you are repeating it secondhand from your mom, who was raising children in a different era — treating anecdote and opinion as time-tested fact. My mother’s experience (in the same era!) is no less true or valid than that of yours; my mother’s advice could not

Women in TT positions are more routinely asked/expected/pushed to perform service work that is rarely the main or an important criterion for achieving tenure/promotion. Here’s a good article that discusses it.

Haha, that was probably the best practical summary I ever got about it. “It’s always going to suck in some way, so just do it when you want.” I hate the idea of trying to do it during a postdoc, but....

So was mine. When she was pregnant with her youngest, she worked in an environment that was literally almost completely male, so she pretty much wrote the policy for how to handle mat leave, prescribed bed rest, etc. She worked 70 hour weeks through my childhood and, alongside my highly active co-parent of a dad, was

That’s where we are. In an ideal world, we’d do it now, but practically speaking we don’t have the financial stability, and my other half is working in a different town at the moment. Sigh.

“For me, but not for thee.” Ugh.

He was told (privately) that while he would get an extra year until the tenure meeting, he would also be expected to produce at the same level over time.

Yeah, I hear you. Some departments seem to have it figured out, some seem unwilling to even make a policy. From my end (the “where am I going to wind up, eeek!” end), that makes it feel so much like a crapshoot....

I also know I hustle a lot harder than most of the tenured motherfuckers.

I’m curious to hear your take as someone in the middle of this right now — I’m a yearish away from finishing, so job market, academia-vs-other jobs type questions are very relevant in my life right now, especially since my partner and I are now trying to figure out when we’re going to start having kids. Most female

Now playing

Aw, godspeed Marie! We’ll miss you. Here’s a goodbye tune —

Exactly! Herbs used in traditional medicine have had their pharmacological functions demonstrated experimentally, but generally that means nothing when you’re just sticking things that need to be ingested into your vagina....

Peer-reviewed studies indicate that some of the herbs mentioned on the Embrace Pangaea site do have beneficial medical properties

Lincoln Chafee (miss u!) is one of the small hobbit children delighted by the fireworks at Bilbo’s birthday party, correct?


Don’t apologize to O’Malley, ever; I’m convinced his ego grows two sizes every time he’s mentioned in the same sentence as Hillary Clinton.