
I drink beer a couple of times a year, because I am diabetic and beer is essentially liquid bread, which means my body treats it like sugar, which causes all sorts of problems for me.

When made to endure jokes about hair removal it's only natural for a beard to get quite uncomfortable.

I looked at the beer list, was completely overwhelmed, and picked the only beer I recognized: Stella.

Finally he shoots something else off!

Well, I guess now we'll find out if that human growth hormone really works.

*throws knowing glance at identical twin brother*

Unfortunate ad placement.....

S.C. at Auburn was superb. Ended 42-35 for Auburn and was all kinds of drama.

The Auburn/South Carolina game was pretty intense. Especially with the drama afterwards.

Except auburn and south carolina were in a shootout all game, scoring 77 points, coverting 5 of 6 fourth downs, multiple trick plays, and playing a hell of a game on the sec network...

Only interesting game? Someone apparently didn't realize that the Ol' Ballcoach and Gus Malzahn were throwing everything in their playbooks at each other in Auburn. That game was insane.

Atlanta Hawks, eh? Should be a fun game!

So many good things that kids do nowadays go unremarked, drowned out by the bruiting about of any bad news the media can latch on to. But enough of the good manages to leak out, to provide proof that this generation, too, is going to be pretty alright.

Maybe not having 22-year-olds as substitute teachers for 17-year-olds.

"Sorry to make things awkward, but I'd also like to mention that the Spin Doctors reunion tour will hit the road right after this series is over. Tickets are still available. Thanks."

Looks like the Royals picked a bad time to start playing Clash of Clans again.

I have no idea if he is good or not, but I agree with your statement - no matter what happens his 'job' is done - he opened the door and sometimes that has to be good enough.

At least he opened the door. The likelihood that a big name player coming out first seemed like a big risk. I think it'll happen soon.