
The show has just been terrible the past few seasons. I just gave up on it. It does actually land some good jokes here and there, but ultimately the characters are just shallow one dimensional caricatures to land easy jokes. They aren't real people. The faux documentary style tries to trick us into thinking there's an

They'd get more experts, but I think the producers are like eh no one wants to watch a bunch of professors talking.

How is it not about sex? These people can't get laid by anyone outside their own community so they just use this common fetish to have the sex they'll never get elsewhere.

The entire thing just feels like a Lifetime original movie

Oh man, the acting is so melodramatic, the pacing is all over the place, and John Travolta looks so juiced up with botox he's incapable of emotion and speaking

He's not wrong. Spectre did drag on, and it carried the tired trend of rebooting and remaking past stories except with this one they did as many Bond movies as they could and created a twist every Bond fan saw coming. I just sat through the movie like oh, that's like From Russia With Love, oh that's like Jaws, oh this

This authenticity is lacking in television these days, except maybe the Middle, but it doesn't feel as real as it should. I'm tired of Modern Family getting so much praise when there's nothing relatable to it. The family is perfect, they might have an argument for an episode, but nothing ever goes wrong for them. They

Yeah the plan anticipation stuff was kind of meh. I have to assume the Doctor thought he would die giving off his regeneration energy to resurrect the sewer Daleks, but it never came across like that. At first I was under the impression he knew Missy and Clara were alive but the scene shortly afterwards shows that's

Your 4 year old won't know what is being said and won't repeat it anyway. Jeez, lighten up

Cersei's scene wasn't that great. And the CGI was terrible. I knew Lena wasn't going to go full on with that scene.

Late Night talk shows weren't exactly the highest echelon of comedy anyway.They follow the tired formula of host comes out, makes fun of the news in a monologue, does a bit, interviews guests, showcases musical performance, calls it a day. At least Craig Ferguson had some fun with it and screwed around. At least

Homeland has sucked since Season 1, cancel it and use its budget for Twin Peaks. Problem solved

He has a point. Movie adaptations from tv shows often aren't that great and there ends up being a lot of differences since movies have bigger budgets and productions so the charm of the small scale gets lost when the movie version just does a whole lot more and it doesn't feel the same.

Iris must have a damn good camera phone to get a picture of the Flash at full speed.

Glad to see some of you guys still can't see the trees through the forest. Complaining about the logistics of the Doctor being the President of the world? Really?

ANH was his and his alone really. If I had to put this into an analogy it would be like if George RR Martin had the idea of Game of Thrones, came up with the characters and the world of Westeros but had someone else do the writing but Martin gets all the credit and is treated as a storytelling genius. Then everyone

Made it all feel like Bioshock on a train

If you're a SW fan well enough to dive into the EU and have dove into the EU then you should already be aware of how little Lucas needs credit for Star Wars. He had a bunch of great ideas and did a good job with Episode IV, then just Star Wars, in creating this bare bones story and characters as a homage to the cinema

Same thing happens in the books, we are just shown it through Jaime's perspective. People need to learn the term unreliable narrator

So Argument 2 then, which I explain against. You guys are adamant for a hero out of the show you make one out of Jaime based on his POV chapters. GoT is about characters that aren't black and white, they do bad things and you aren't supposed to know who you can even support.