
I wish it was stereotypical but then you had that gamergate crap and it just made you ashamed to even call yourself a gamer without being identified as one of those losers.

Comic book readers are a small sample group that consists quite a bit of the anon crowd that has a strong reaction to diversity and that whole SJW mess. There are a lot of comic book readers that appreciate the new and diverse, but they are sadly the minority in a medium dominated by a bunch of vengeful shut in nerds.

Walking Dead turned 4 pages of comics into an hour and a half affair

Can we just point out how that level of violence is OK to have but boobs and the f word are a no go

I think a bigger flaw is having Rick chewing up the scenery with his sadness and crying because that's what fans expect but the writers and director should have made him more stoic because at this point his character and many others should be numb to it all and that is what should make them feel bad, not seeing their

First episode went to shit after like 20 minutes. Couldn't the director make things look more chaotic and confusing? I mean shit, Kiefer is dragged to the White House, sworn in, sent to the bunker, then we get a scene of him just chillin outside the White House? Fuck that. He would either be forced to stay in the

The presentation of Night Of was really good and distracted from the kind of mediocre writing. Law and Order episodes had more bite and social commentary than Night Of even though they presented a more idealized version of the justice system for the sake of network television simplicity.

Craig Ferguson will always be the best late night talk show host.

Why does every late night talk show have to try to make the next meme

What Hollywood needs most is diversity of stories. You can have your national treasures, but also your grittier movies too. They just keep going by trends

Does order truly matter anyway? Sitcoms still adhere to the dated network tv model of pushing out as many episodes as possible to get them up to syndication and making money. Writers never focus that much on continuity or character development because they just expect people to watch episodes in syndication in

She's not married?! Woo, still got a chance

Do I have to spell it out for you in a chart because I will:
Socrates>Plato>Aristotle>Alexander the Great. These people are directly linked to one another. Whereas this is what we have for Jesus:

Leslie Jones is a one trick comedy pony: I'M A LOUD BLACK WOMAN

Kevin Smith has more credence with his criticisms. A lot of the bashing that came from the regular critics continue to carry over the sentiment that it's not as fun as the Reeves films they remember. That's just absurd.

But we know Plato existed and because we know he existed we know Socrates existed. There is clear evidence Aristotle existed as well. So there's a chain that forms in student-teacher thought that provides enough evidence for the existence of these individuals. With Jesus it's just like stories started to be written

I don't think the creators were aware that when it comes to court cases, hearsay is not admissible as evidence which is the only type of evidence for Jesus. It's funny how many times I've talked with Christians about it and they just mention the same old sources not understanding what the hell a primary source is. I

Oliver in his prime with his team failed to stop the uprising, but old Oliver with a different team did a bang up job. I think instead of doing the uprising shit they should have gone with a No Man's Land adaptation and say a massive earthquake destroyed the city and caused gangs to rise up

An A? Really? They moved the plot forward via hand waving magic, and ended the episode with Felicity literally walking out on Oliver despite not having been able to walk for months

They need to end the stupid flashbacks already. They have completely separated from any connection with the current story. Oliver has moved past all that and then some. Before they were necessary to establish some backstory and show he was haunted by demons from his time on the island. But he's past those demons.