Blue Griffin

So what's Draco Malloy going to do now? I really want med some one to push him in the speed force, but guess he's still here.

But there's a difference of watching gore in a horror movie, and being in that movie when it happens.

I could see that as it was a time vortex? Black hole? that killed Ronnie and Flash was there so I could have been his birth as the God of Speed. The suit could help him prevent going nuclear without his other half of Firestorm, but it still leaves a bit unanswered.

"Back" is iffy. Since he's from the past he has to return to that point to continue the timeline. (Although now that reality has been changed anything is possible)

He was suppose to be a villain that could hypnotize people with his singing voice. (Cooler than it sounds) Look up the batman the brave and bold episode with him for the orgivsl idea.

Getting on the ship and staying hidden on the ship would be hard espically if you had him talk to Mick.

Snart wasn't real until this episode.

Depends. If you're talking about vs the legion, both can time travel it's I can stop you, but you can go back stop…
If you're talking about going back to fix something you goofed, then there's meeting/working with your past self or if it was successful then we don't need to go back, but since we didn't it went wrong…

Next "full crossover" will revolve around Supergirl so you have that to look forward too.

True. Legends doesn't have to worry about setting up a big fight scene either. Sure Flash will want to capstlize on the crossover, but it took away time for singing.
Legends has had episodes with less than normal amounts of fighting before.

As… interesting that that sound, I don't think it would fit the series. That and Bullock would make a one liner about his singing ability.

Gene Kelly as a couple people pointed out in the show is the guy who sung "singing in the rain" that Barry was watching.

So my two cents:
1. It's doesn't match up to Buffy's, but that's asking a lot espically balancing music/action.
2. I would have loved this episode to be longer too/have more songs, but what we did have was wonderful. (Seems like Buffy/Pysch had a bunch, but that aside) Enjoyed the cast's wide talent that has been showed

Well it's been a week for us, but I think it was 3? weeks or more them. They've been dealing with it for a bit.

Yep. Loved Cisco's "why haven't we made a gif of that" quote.

Loved the back to the future reference at the end.

Random thought: When I looked at the tv information about this episode it said Jesse and Wally fought a gravity controlling meta. Guessing they cut that for time?

It's about power. Since the king got defeated the other apes see him as a weakling. This allows Grodd to step into his place

Penguin is a Batman villain, so at some point he should come back (If he is dead), but they are… flexible with the cannon of this series compared to Batman's Lore.

I know he's no expert though, but I'm asking who taught him on his planet. I know it could have just been some professional (human or otherwise) or he just read it, but it just sounded to me that he had specifically asked about changing time.