Blue Griffin

One thing that bugs me is HR said "…as time travel was explained to me…"or close to that. Who explained time travel/changing the future to him?

Anyone want to guess what the villians are going to use the spear for?

One thing that bugs me is that Salitar knows he's HR. Remember while we can see his face everyone else excluding Team Flash (- Julian) sees him as his partner

As much I would like to think Frost was the good guy in the vibe, you don't throw spikes of ice to defend yourself.

I think because he jumped into a mirror that showed a reflecting of the same room he couldn't escape because he would jump into the same room?

Jervis has been flat in depth, but makes up for it in style. All he wanted was Alice and her blood. Yawn, but his hypnotism, flare, methods of killing, and henchmen were enjoyable. Now that he's going to go a bit crazy should (hopefully) make him more interesting/add some backstory.

Yeah. Really surprised that happened. Huh, a bunch of masked wrestlers walked in. And now they are fighting. Better fight them with my fist. Apparently that's as dangerous as a bunch of crazies like last season.

Although it should with captain boomerang and the vandal savage episode. (If this new timelines would stick)

Yeah, but man were some of those songs catchy.

So anyone what to do a villian cameo rundown in this episode or can determine who was in the bus?

Let's see.. I would say accomplice to the gang and attempted murder on a detective and medical examiner. She did lead them into a trap too, but I don't think she ever shot a cop.

(Shrug.) I kinda think the opposite as I read both, but to each their own.

And you think that the A.V. Club holds something better?


If two speedsters run on a loop-de-loop fast enough = Chaos?
(At least that's what it looked like to me. Maybe it's a portal?)

Ign gave this episode a 6.8. Does that suit your feelings better?

-Yes they have more than just men, but we're talking about Ed that's escaping. He's not the best physical example of human capabilities. He just wants to leave. This isn't an elaborate well planned out escape.
-Have you seen the other inmates? None of them are the brightest or most focused inmates. They also aren't

Great episode, but I'm still kinda ticked that the series trailer with the flash in it was nothing but bait.

-I'm assuming that's something you don't think about. Plus it's hard to have a full grown man turn around in a shaft.
-Remember most of the people Arkham are truly insane.
-High Caliber rounds.
-Yeah. He still had most of his brain washing. Just remembered bits of his past life. Just another evil to vanquish as a "holy

Yeah, the rocket scene was not expected, but very fun, nice killer croc? cameo, and Nigma was great as always.
I was really shocked at Selina's hair. From her brown curly hair to this straight blonde was weird to see. I guess the actors are growing up.
I fear you might be disappointed with the next episode from what the