
Some folks depend on public computers, others have wallets stored on their phone (usually Android phones or rooted iPhones).

Yup, just like any transaction, it's up to the individual to properly document their income & fill out their taxes.

Sort of. This is another form of fiat currency, but it isn't backed by banks nor is it regulated by a government. It's a self regulated currency; that means it's both financially unstable and relatively anonymous.

Who says they want to accomplish the same thing? I don't play shooters out of a desire to become a soldier, for instance.

It's less cute when there are kids using *real* guns to *really* shoot people.

The issue at hand really isn't much about children playing violent video games. This law would not have prevented that. Kids could still play at a neighbor's house, or borrow it from a friend, or their parents could buy it.

You're not "preventing exposure to violence" with this law, just exposure to video game violence. Kids can still watch violent TV & movies, read violent books & magazines and, often, see it outside their window.

That's something I loved about Shadowrun. Rolling a dozen d6's at once ... there's just something cathartic about all that plastic hitting the table. n.n

If you really want to see a good idea of how AR would influence our lives, pick up a copy of Shadowrun: 20th Anniversary RPG. Well, you have to ignore the magic bits, but the technology is all about AR and PANs (personal area networks). Mix that with some more futuristic technology (Simsense, overriding your natural

It is the only weapon, and it's not OP. He'll be a beast in melee, but has zero ranged abilities with the full set.

Yes, I'm quite familiar with the uncanny valley. The Avatar people weren't even close; they were too fake.

Yes, yes they do. The Avatar critters looked pure CGI, nothing real about it. Hell, the trees looked more realistic than the people & critters.

That's when you break out a .22 pistol. Shit, I knew there was a reason not to live in a big city. o.o

If that's the case, you may have been in the wrong place. There has to be someone on staff to assess the patients as they come in. Either you get registered & escorted to a room, or a nurse has to triage you to assess the severity of your condition.

Ice tea is a little different from hot tea. Generally, you don't need to mess with loose leaf, as the tea is going to be watered down anyway.

I think Twinnings makes a loose decaf Earl Grey, but I'm not positive. I tend to save decaf for when it's late and I just want something to drink, so I stick to bags for that. Morning tea or lunch tea is usually a loose-leaf English Breakfast, green Jasmine or a plain orange pekoe black tea.