
Only if the stream was recorded for later. Otherwise there’s no copy to show a jury that yes, you created the art first.

Because he’s so busy with voice acting jobs he hasn’t had much time for YouTube skits.


Due process is for a court of law. This is a hearing for what’s essentially a job promotion. It’s just that the job is the highest court in the land.

Unfortunately, they’re just doubling down.

Two words: Madeline Pryor. Ugh.

Xavier put on the “kindly, understanding mentor” bit when just talking with students or out in public. But even in the old comics, the minute they were training or out on a mission, he became an absolute ass. Full-on drill instructor “if you can’t handle the simulator, you’ll die in the real world” and verbally

If using Mac screenshots is “alienating,” you’ve got some weird priorities. Don’t invest your personal worth in a product like an OS.

Valhalla, aka Norse afterlife

Why are you leaving it on the counter? Put that sucker in the fridge. A) nice cold water. B) the cold will discourage any kind of contaminant from growing.

That’s a problem with abusive relationships. Often, the abused has been “trained” by the abuser to feel like they have to take care of their abuser. Combined with being in love & fear of reprisal, that leads to a vicious cycle of “I want to get out, but I can’t bring myself to kick them out.” It’s not easy to break

Classic example is the good old M-1 Garand (play any WW2 shooter). 8 round en-bloc clip.

Two words: charcoal canister.

Backpage was shut down WITHOUT FOSTA/SESTA. The law doesn’t do shit to actually prevent trafficking.

Commission an artist! That’s how folks get characters drawn when they can’t draw on their own.

Actually, you can add your DVD/BR content to Movies Anywhere. At least, some of them.

The "Legends of the Dark Knight" series was the best thing to happen to Batman in a long time. It freed authors to explore subjects that weren't appropriate for younger audiences (by eschewing the CCA label, something previously confined to special imprints like Vertigo).

Except on every DVD movie commentary ever. People do talk about stuff that didn't survive the cutting room floor all the time. Movies, albums, and other media always have stuff cut, and they do talk about it. There's nothing unprofessional about it at all.

That's the thing about copyright law: even if you don't profit, you can be found guilty of infringement. And if the copyright owner does not attempt to rigorously defend said copyright, they can lose it forever.

A winner is you. The bug I can't identify, but the rest seems spot-on.