
The trick is, there is no hole. The universe itself is the plane that's folded around. Outside that space is ... nothing.

Alien 3 was predictable, yeah, but the story isn't what it was selling. Set aside the plot, and what you've got is an interesting character piece about people left to their own devices Lord of the Flies style.

Bingo. It's impressive to see a franchise go through such a drastic change and still come out with a good film in the end.

Thanks, but I'm a touch leery of modifying save files. 'sides, I still need to play through as a Renegade, and as a female.

Well, a restart accomplishes the same thing as shutting down, as far as RAM is concerned. Once the PC reboots, it resets the RAM to its default state. Shutting down has the added benefit of conserving power, though, so it's a good thing to shut off when not needed or set up Sleep mode when not in use.

It varies. There's no universal law about it, so it's up to local legislation whether or not "false report of a crime" is a crime itself.

Screwing up a fast food order is not something the cops are going to follow up on. And it's not like the delivery person actually robbed her. This is something to take up with the Better Business Bureau, not the police.

Well, crap. I guess I'll be getting Mass Effect 3 on Xbox instead of Steam. Dammit.


I'd say the whole "WTFOMG Reapers are REALZ!" kinda brought people around to believing Shepherd.

From the article, it sounds like you're either still working for Cerberus, or you've gone independent to start the game, then get your commission back after the Reaper invasion of Earth begins in earnest.

I recall reading somewhere that Renegade Soldier Male Shepherd is the default for Bioware's promotional material, because it gets the best reaction from the audience.

I basically want ME2 with better cover sensing, smarter AI and to bring back ME1's "heat" mechanic for guns. Friggin hate having to collect "ammo magazines heat sinks" to use my weapons.

I can't wait to see the counsel's reaction. Conceited bitches.

It's not as bad as most people make it, but it's pretty bad. Really destroys the crew's team dynamic, has a paper-thin "bad guy" & a totally ridiculous plot.

You are not alone. I thought DS9 was so much better than TNG because of the conflict. Humanity will certainly make strides over the next 300 years, but I doubt we'll ever truly get rid of greed, prejudice or pride because we're territorial mammals; that's going to stick with us until whatever post-human creature comes

The thing is, the Joker gets depicted differently each time a new writer comes into the comics. Sometimes he's the mirthful jokester you remember; other times he's a psychopathic killer who barely adheres to the concept of making death funny.

People still make this joke?

You tap-click with three fingers on the word, instead of highlighting the word & trying to hit CMD+CTRL+D.

I kinda wish this was optional. At least with the single-corner resize, you only had one place to change the window; you could always just grab a corner and drag the window, instead of only dragging the title bar. Now, it's reversed (Windows/Linux style). Ah well.