
I opened this article in a tab, so I'm getting a kick out of the replies.

Oh god, I remember wasting lots of time on Lunar Lander on my old Commodore 64. You had to be just right or you'd crash pretty spectacularly... well, as much as those old graphics could be spectacular, anyway.

congrats NateZ28, you win this thread. :D

Except that, if you change a single 5 kb text file in your encrypted disk image, the entire disk image has to be re-uploaded to Dropbox, since it's seen as a single "file."

Yeah, the author got it right everywhere else, so it must've been a typo. I didn't catch it either when I was reading the original. o.O

"Except that there appears to be a correlation between where the Morgellons frequency seems consistant with Lyme Disease frequency. Last I heard, Lyme Disease wasn't considered delusional. "

Doctors don't often "demonize" patients for having unusual symptoms. The thing is, Occam's Razor tends to be true more often than not. And patients tend to think they know more than the doctors:

The thing is, these people aren't coming in and showing the doctor something in their skin. They're coming to the doctor with something they say they took out of their skin, but which usually turns out to be something that normally grows in the body:

Not until Google and Facebook get over their snit. They tried to integrate services last year, but Facebook wouldn't give Google access to some user data, so Google pulled out.

If someone has access to your computer, you're already screwed.

Not give up, but let it rest for a while. It's been done to death, and not very well (with a few exceptions mentioned in the article).

Depends on the caliber, range and angle of impact.

Well, that's more of Vash than the gun, really.

Well, that's more of Vash than the gun, really.

Well, that's more of Vash than the gun, really.

Um... Chrome has Flash built-in. That might be your problem if you're still trying to install it to Chrome.

What problem are you having?

The Trigun is basically a Mateba Unica 6, also seen in the Ghost in the Shell film as Ishikawa's gun. Nifty, but anime hasn't made it into the mainstream well enough to make this list.