
The Trigun is basically a Mateba Unica 6, also seen in the Ghost in the Shell film as Ishikawa's gun. Nifty, but anime hasn't made it into the mainstream well enough to make this list.

The Trigun is basically a Mateba Unica 6, also seen in the Ghost in the Shell film as Ishikawa's gun. Nifty, but anime hasn't made it into the mainstream well enough to make this list.

This. Loved Zoe's gun. Would've picked that over Mal's. Actually, I would've picked Vera as the most iconic gun from the series, even though she gets the least airtime out of the three.

This. Loved Zoe's gun. Would've picked that over Mal's. Actually, I would've picked Vera as the most iconic gun from the series, even though she gets the least airtime out of the three.

This. Loved Zoe's gun. Would've picked that over Mal's. Actually, I would've picked Vera as the most iconic gun from the series, even though she gets the least airtime out of the three.

Sort of. The Mateba Unica 6 is the inspiration for the "Matever" used in GitS. Wicked looking, but not terribly practical. Complicated mechanism, difficult to build and expensive to buy.

Sort of. The Mateba Unica 6 is the inspiration for the "Matever" used in GitS. Wicked looking, but not terribly practical. Complicated mechanism, difficult to build and expensive to buy.

Sort of. The Mateba Unica 6 is the inspiration for the "Matever" used in GitS. Wicked looking, but not terribly practical. Complicated mechanism, difficult to build and expensive to buy.

This is what I came to the comments to say. DRM is a farce. I can abide DRM like Valve's Steam system, because it stays out of my way 90% of the time (and the extra functionality of Steam makes up for that other 10%).

fucking WIN. :D :D :D

It takes a lot of fuel to get across the ocean...

These are the cannibalistic, demon worshiping trolls. AKA, bad guys.

This. At that price, I'd rather just get a Wii and some games, or just more games for the systems I've already got.

I'll disagree with some of the others and say the third film was horrid, while the fourth was actually interesting (just not scary).

Actually, there's even songs about cunnilingus during a woman's period. It's out there.

Vital? No. Convenient? Yes.

I don't think you understand why e-ink is actually pretty cool. On the off chance you're actually interested: 1) e-ink does have the nice contrast which is very close to print on paper & 2) it consumes zero electricity once the page is displayed.

Magic has always had incredible art. The game itself is fun, but too expensive to really keep up with.

Yep, I've been using that in Chrome, but I recently switched back to Firefox. Luckily, the service has a bookmarklet that works as well:

I guess some people don't get it. Cloud computing is basically a modern take on "dumb terminals," where there was a server (or cluster of servers) running all the apps, and people accessed them through what was basically just a monitor + keyboard.