
I used to work for Boost Mobile's customer & technical support line. Buying used cell phone or SIM cards off the street is very common. And even stores tend to bulk-buy the phones & SIMs, so it's hard to track where they came from.

I've really not found anything Springpad is better at than Evernote. What's the "item type" functionality you mentioned?

Mossad is basically the Israeli equivalent of the CIA or MI-6. And krav maga is the Israeli military's martial arts style, which is made for modern close-quarters combat. It includes techniques for disarming a gun-wielding opponent, using their own gun against them, or using your gun while caught in hand-to-hand

I'm afraid it's too little, too late. I gave the first season a shot, but the plodding pace and missed character opportunities* killed it for me. And it sounds like we've got the executives to blame, not the writers/producers.

I've tried Springpad, but I've yet to find a reason to use it over Evernote. Has anyone found a "killer app" for Springpad yet?

You might be joking but, for those that don't know, the image is 11.o4.

Unfortunatley, you still have to sign up for Hulu Plus and will be charged monthly after the "free trial" period. Not really sure it's worth it. :/

What, you need an explanation for breasts? o.O

They don't necessarily have to, but biotics make their powers stronger and easier to control. So, any psion worth their salt has biotic implants.

It's a telekinetic fight: Force Push vs. Biotic Push.

They aren't bare. Nipple rings count! ;)

The woman on the left is a Sith Lord, apparently using the Force Push power. The woman on the right is Samara, an asari. She has biotics, which are implants that let people use psionic powers in the Mass Effect universe, and it looks like she's using the Push biotic power.

*sigh* The story isn't about how to reverse-engineer an atomic bomb. It's about going through and learning how the specific bombs "Fat Man" and "Little Boy" were engineered. It's more like a historical re-creation of the process, not "how to build a bomb" like some folks are interpreting this.

If it's done well, I don't mind it. However, it can be done poorly. If, for instance, you've progressed enough to swap to disc 2, but it makes you swap back to disc 1 if you go back to an earlier area, that's annoying as hell.

The first movie I remember seeing is Star Wars: A New Hope (the 1980 re-release to theaters). I was four years old.

"I'm sorry, but the people on your trip sounded like a bunch of morons."

Female Cenobite: "Didn't open the box." And what was it last time, "Didn't know what the box was?" And yet, we do keep finding each other, don't we?

The pinned tabs thing... I don't get it. Are they suggesting pinning your stuff that would normally be on the Bookmarks Toobar?

I was actually looking forward to it as a popcorn flick... until I read this review.