
The thing about Rift, client-wise, is that it's "WoW Plus." As in, the keybindings are the same as WoW right out the door, but there's more options overall. The macro system uses the same language, but with a few extra commands. The interface is laid out like WoW, but you can customize it without add-ons*. The

Looking forward to the head-start, myself. I at least put down a 3-month chunk of game time, thanks to the "Founders Discount," plus the month for purchasing the game; so, I'll get 4 months play to decide if I like it more than WoW, or if I just want to drop to a free-to-play game like LotRO.

Now playing

It's a great big universe, and we're all really puny!

I have a feeling they're holding on to him until the NGP is ready to ramp up advertising.

This made me laugh today:

Yeah, this is horrible advice. "Take X at the first sign of a cold!" isn't helpful, and potentially quite harmful. Especially since it's coming from a series of studies all using a single source selling the products in question, and simply collated by a general research database, not a peer-reviewed publication.

Horrible names, neat features. I actually like the look of the "Cha-Cha" (gag), though I have to wonder just how useful Android is on that small a screen.

Never played the original, but there seems to be a big fanbase. What's the "killer app" selling point to the original?

@falven2000: Except, you're wrong. Google specifically put fake words into their engine, stuff that no ordinary user would be searching for.

@celcinc: Install a Flash blocking extension.

@Lemming: Doesn't really matter. Defending yourself against a lawsuit is expensive. Not everyone can afford the litigation, so it has a chilling effect on those who want to criticize Scientology.

@Lemming: Yea, except Scientologists have a habit of suing anyone who makes fun of them.

Waiting to see if the game goes Free To Play. Tried it out for a few months, but it wasn't enough to hold me. F2P, though, would get me to play more regularly, especially if the for-pay items were nifty enough.

The physical extras have no in-game use whatsoever. Stuff like the soundtrack is cool, but you don't even need the CD.

@pointyblue: Not sure what you're doing. I routinely have dozens of tabs open in Chrome on my eee while reading BBS forums.

@akumaserge: I've seen people fire .454 Casull guns before and, if you do it improperly, you'll absolutely break bones in your wrist or face.

@skt.smth: Meh. It's just a bigger version of the normal Judge, which is legal in the USA.

@micjwelch: I would assume not. However, if the publisher was smart, they'd have an agreement with Amazon to make it available through Amazon's digital downloads section, or through their own website.