
@MartiniMan: "The loot I have gathered is across-the-board unimpressive; I'm proceeding incrementally both in experience and in gear. The money I acquire buys health, more or less.

@Alexp987: Oh, I totally agree with you on that one. It's slanted at "OMG Xbox banned an autistic kid!" Which really ignores all the important points of the situation... if it were even newsworthy in the first place.

I really love these blogs. They help me get a good feel for which games are worth my $$ and which to hold off on. Unfortunately, DCU seems to be the latter. Maybe an expansion or two in, they'll have these kinks worked out.

@Alexp987: I'm guessing you've not had to interact with autistic persons before. Not really. In this case, it's more like "roll your eyes and ignore them."

@ZenInsight: Why? Still don't see the point.

@ZenInsight: Why? Should they also say "Doubtful that unicorns exist"? These guys are claiming they did something that absolutely defies physics, ie. we'd have to throw out all our rules for this to be true. Combined with typical hoax behavior ("we won't tell you how it works, but give us money and we'll show you

@ZenInsight: When your options are between 1) people who claim to have a technique that provides energy & materials that would violate known physics, yet refuse to let anyone else see their data or even their machine; or 2) hoax...

@jncarlos: ... WTF does this even have to do with the article?

@RuckingFetard: Did you RTFA? It's already all over Europe and Asia. It'll work it's way into the US as well.

@SilverBlade2k: Only if credit cards = mark of the beast. This is just a different transaction system for credit card payments.

@meseta: I have to agree, that reasoning is pretty poor. You're just not going to recoup losses like that.

@D.Mobile!: Not sure what your point is. There's enough spices and preservatives in the chili to keep it shelf-stable. No one ever claimed it was healthy.

@\m/ chaosphere \m/: Actually, that's grammatically correct. You may not be familiar with the word "wont."

@Franknbeans: Batman Begins: Ra's Al Ghul & Scarecrow

@LARPkitten: This is exactly what makes Twitter useful. Artists and folks with businesses can easily drive customers to their website through Twitter, especially using the right hash tags.

@pterribledactyl: Used to be. Modern SSDs have developed a way around it by making sure to spread the bits around the chips as much as possible before having to over-write any. It effectively gives them a MTBF about the same as a normal platter drive.