
@grysl: Wow. Not just stubborn, but an asshole to boot. Stay classy.

@grysl: When you're dealing with medical records, precision is very important. This spills over to formatting for resumes, reports and other documentation. Not sticking to proper formatting is a sign of sloppiness and considered unprofessional. You might disagree, but that's how it works.

@grysl: Wrong & wrong. And, yes, it's "unprofessional to those who have been explicitly taught to view it as unprofessional."

@dowingba: An MMO RTS has the problem of people actually conquering the world. What do you do then?

@grysl: Obviously you're done with school and/or have an employer who doesn't care. I learned double-spacing on a typewriter, but I won't do that ever again as it looks unprofessional now.

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: Depends on your job, and who you correspond with. Some employers will now take double-spacing as a sign of "doesn't know what he/she is doing" nowadays.

@Graviton1066: Care to actually explain yourself, rather than foam at the mouth?

@kijoshua: Ah. I took it as implied that the article was about print.

@DayallAxededed: Double-space isn't "centuries of work," it's a throwback to typewriters. Not even typesetting, but typewriters. There's no grand tradition here.

@AmphetamineCrown: It's not "their software," it's HTML. By default, multiple spaces get condensed to a single one. And rightly, IMO.

@grysl: Er, no, it doesn't.

@kijoshua: If you really think content is more important than formatting, I have a 1990s website with "BLINK" tags to sell you. ;)

@kijoshua: How often do you print your code?

@IrishCheerioLadd: There are three (primary) ways to launch apps on a Mac:

@Graviton1066: You think it's disgusting and dumb, fine.

@Bramsey89: Yet, you felt the need to come out and brag about it on a web site.

@anuran001: Absolutely. A large influence in my departure from Christianity was just how adamant some folks were that only the KJV Bible was the authentic "word of God."

@Michael Crider: Its a form of Millenarianism: the concept that some supernatural force is required to overthrow the current establishment, and bring the "chosen" into power.