The problem with this story is that Irwindale doesn't really have that many residents, fewer than 1,500, but does have a history of corrupt officials (including the current mayor & a councilman involved in this case with charges of corruption pending against them!) who enrich themselves by soliciting consultancy gigs…
Fannypacks are just so damned useful, especially if you work in production like many my Coachella bound friends do. Plus, as a much maligned item you can still find cringe-fabulous ones from the 80's - complete with Miami Vice colors & random non sequitur phrases - stuck in some forgotten corner of a 99 cents store.…
No. You don't have the right to tell victims to keep quiet to protect the police's image, or expect the news not to cover police rape because it makes you feel icky and your husband works so hard. It is understood that not all cops rape. No, seriously - everyone knows that. And yet when a story like this comes up,…
We're like, trapped-in-Hawaii sisters ;) — I feel for you. I was there for my partner's career too, and part of me leaving Hawaii was also leaving them. It sucked. But no worries, no need to explain. People move for a whole host of reasons, including mine: following my partner without doing any research on my…
I'm sorry your son was bullied, no child should have to deal with that. What I felt, as a non-military transplant, was there are two parallel societies, a native Hawaiian one and then non Hawaiians. It's not visible to visitors, because everyone loves tourists and their money - but moving there is a whole other story.…
YUP. People forget that the Honolulu police were the gang that regulated the whore houses on Hotel street for the military, and then became a deputized "military force" when the island was under martial law. When I lived there I bartended a few places, and it was normal for police to come in and drink for free, get…
I dunno, Jesus didn't seem to have an issue with John the Baptist's boys club of nubile men who perform enemas on each-other. Difficult to imagine he'd go from "No problem, man. You go ahead and blow water up my butt with a reed" to "Stone That Homo Demon!!!" just because someone got a little handsy between cleanings.
Thank goodness the military has decided to get serious about sexual assault /s
Have you ever lost a dog? County shelters aren't exactly easy to work with in the first place
My name is sewn into all of my clothes!
This is probably one of the best PR stunts I've ever seen a CamGirl pull off. It has just the right mix of salaciousness & misogyny to launch a thousand click-bait articles, with her pay to download "clips-of-me-licking-stuff!!!111!!!" just a few clicks away. Well played Blondie Bennett, that dream house and pink…
Uhg I didn't remember that. It's one of the episodes I remember made me uncomfortable, not least because they styled the Nussbaum character to resemble the real-life woman's permanent facial damage, and then made her a craven drug addict - indifferent to her child's death. I was too young to remember the original…
So the people that can afford couture get to play at being employed in a minimum wage dead end job? How very very of them.
Huh, I always thought the point of that movie was to empathize with Vicki and Sammy who have clearly outgrown their friendships with such self absorbed assholes, but hadn't figured out how to move on and move out - aka the GenX post-college roommate equivalent of Facebook defriending.
We drink wine, and thanks to L&O's ungodly show run, we've been practicing for years. Our livers could go pro.
Wait, wait wait - Are you saying L&O is misogynist drivel that pushes an agenda that woman be lying and hysterical about rape?!
I was just thinking that. Seeing her name brought back all of the glorious nuttiness of the great Harry Potter fandom wanks; from MsScribe to Cassie Clare. Innocent, crazy times.
I could get behind a 24 hour curling channel. Something about drinking a beer and watching men sweep is very soothing.