Dude, she can’t even legally get in to bars. I know rich and famous people are not beholden to our America laws, but c’mon.
Dude, she can’t even legally get in to bars. I know rich and famous people are not beholden to our America laws, but c’mon.
Woman murdering her children = a horror of nature
Wow go John Cameron Mitchell! Woo woo woo!
Fuckin nice!
There’s more than one way to deface a two way mirror...and we Chicagoans are a resourceful bunch.
It was more of a threat than anything. They did leave me alone after that.
Those throwaway jokes are the kind of thing that made me snap in 7th grade and almost gouge a bully’s eye out with my pencil.
I left a negative review of a churn and burn sales MLM pyramid scheme I worked at VERY briefly. The next day I got a response from them AND several new positive reviews popped up. Bastards.
It’s the Time Magazine of titty mags.
Bit of a simplification, but essentially I agree. I think Hefner would have cared more had it been a rich famous woman to be raped there, instead of the other way round.
My ex’s family always used to remark on how he looked like Josh Groban. I seem to be seeing him on a lot more tv shows lately and so it always gives me the squicks.
Karson. This made me lol at work. Thank you.
It’s funny, I worked a terrible multi-level marketing sales job, and wrote them a shitty glassdoor review. They responded and posted on the site, if we’re a scam why don’t you talk to people who do avon! Or juice plus! Or this other MLM bullshit! Like yeah...you aren’t convincing anybody you’re legit.
I briefly dated a grandson of the man who owns the AZ Cardinals. He wore expensive, but ugly, trousers and sweaters, and like boating shoes (in Chicago, in the early spring). He was a very weird, apathetic dude.
No, but you could make it known (or lie) that you work for/have family members who are prosecuting attorneys. Heck I’m a receptionist and I like to throw out “Well I can consult with my COLLEAGUES....” just about once a day.
“Allows” them to labor. What a CHUD.
Pfft not even. Roe v. Wade just had its 40th a few years ago. It's pathetic.
Ah yes, the woman who made my boss his fortune.