It’s a quesadilla at that point
It’s a quesadilla at that point
At least you can put a condom on a dildo and still get some use out of it
God, the teenage years are hard, and mental illness certainly doesn’t help. I hope your friend’s cousin finally got himself some help, and that your friend has as well.
It’s pretty bullshit from either side, honestly. There ARE tons of brilliant people who are bipolar, but I doubt it’s statistically any more significant than brilliant people that are neurotypical. It’s not a blessing or a curse, just a bunch of chemicals. I wish you the very best with managing it! <3
Unrelated, but I saw SO MUCH hype on tumblr for Odyssey and the fact that you could be queer, but NO hype for Origins and the fact that you were a black Egyptian from the same people. I honestly can’t think of another game where the static protagonist was black (though I’m by no means an expert.) It actually turned me…
The reason the jokes in ME work is that it’s a fully realized world where there’s enough setup for the jokes to land. Elcor Hamlet is only funny when you already grok the Elcor, Mordin’s love for bad musicals is tempered by the actual tragedy of his character (as is Tali’s love of bad musicals.)
I never had too much wrapped up in the “pretty” part of this equation, in large part because of dysphoria, but there’s another angle to the pretty, crazy girl that hecked me up - the brilliance. When I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder as a tween, everyone around me was busy reassuring me that it didn’t make me…
My partner and I live in a loft apartment and have done for most of our relationship. I finally built a desk in the loft portion where I can’t see them if I want to work on some writing, and honestly? It’s really helped us out.
I think it’s lazy storytelling. Unless the story is overtly about dreams, sleep, or cycles that involve those things, there are vastly more gripping inciting incidents.
I agree, but this color voted for Joe Biden
I had this “friend” for a while. We were both incredibly lonely, so we ended up spending time together even though I did not enjoy her company.
There was a challenge a few years ago about the incident where an elderly man was dragged off of a plane - the challenge was to dress a witness to the incident. After significant outrage on their social media, they changed it to a woman witnessing a surprise proposal on a plane!
The stall isn’t nearly big enough to house even a hot plate.
I work in a facility that produces art, both originals and high-end prints. It’s kind of creepy when there’s no music, and we’ve all come to expect it, especially as the person who usually pilots the music works at a record store part-time and carefully curates the workshop playlist. The music keeps temperaments even…
I overheard the owner of the stall complaining a few weeks ago (while catching pokemon at the pokestop right next to it, natch) about how he couldn’t get anyone to rent it. I’m SO GLAD he found someone that wanted to fill it with beefcake. It’s so much less skeevy than it was when it was uncomfortable-looking young…
._. my favorite sauce is a local-ish one that’s $10 a jar and is of a smoked tomato variety. i usually get two meals out of it but could easily fill a bathtub with it and be creepily happy.
I asked my liberal yet obstinate mother and she insisted that she always defaults to “he” and acknowledged that while that was problematic, it was also correct. I’m really pleased to have this linguistic verdict.
It’s also largely about respect. I use they/them, and people that respect me do their best to remember and apologize when they flub. People who argue about grammar don’t respect my wishes.
We toss Mexican lager into pans of fish or shrimp intended for tacos and that’s usually delicious. It might get a little lost in the veg chili, though.
spectator, witness, viewer, watcher, looker