
Did you? He doesn't say anything at all about what the show will be like, just that people used to be more enthusiastic about space exploration and hopefully this show will re-ignite people's enthusiasm.

Seth MacFarlane? I have very little faith in this. It's going to be shit.

Whedon should direct... His attention... to being awesome. And the world finally knowing it.

"what do you mean you want a bigger water balloon? this is as big as it gets! there's no more water!"

Fantastic review!

"Back in the mid-20th Century, everybody believed the future of food was fully artificial"

Oh yeah! That wasn't bad... (I liked the first half of that movie...)

I'm glad they didn't put it in. But I'll bet you Zack Snyder will work "It's a bird..." into Superman. Or worse, "Up, up and away!"

Now do the Helicarrier.

he'll sing whether we like it or not.

ugh, that's depressing. I hope it's a ploy on JJ's part... I hope this doesn't turn out to be true.

"So by all accounts, Cumberbatch really is playing Khan Noonien Singh"

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that the camera is an old 35mm SLR, and since that doo-hickey on the right is where the advance crank (or whatever it was called) would be, it's some kind of device to automatically advance the frame, since Spidey usually webs up his camera and lets the camera snap away as he

Bring back Starlost!

Jenny Calendar's death gutted me.

"John Cusack explains" should be a weekly column.

hahaha. hearted.

yeah, my thoughts exactly. although better put.

I picked Prometheus because I think it's the film we're looking forward to the most. It's a very geek-skewed film. Regular-joe (I can't believe I just used that term) won't have any interest in seeing it.

wow, you're either incredibly young, or incredibly naive, because life is far more complicated than you seem to understand.