Here’s the thing genius, in a pandemic situation, individual choice means fuck all because you will get other people killed.
Here’s the thing genius, in a pandemic situation, individual choice means fuck all because you will get other people killed.
Yea, my gut says it’s safe to reopen now! Why should I listen to pandemic experts who say it’s the wrong time? Muh Freedom!
Wow, dramatic much?
I don’t understand how this can be legal but I’ve learned that if something is obviously wrong and terrible it’s probably not only legal but encouraged.
Sue that dealership straight back into the toilet in hell it came from.
So they didn’t want a reputation as a place that employees people who’ve done porn on the side but they did want a reputation as a place that allows sexual harassment, persecutes employees based on gender and allows a giggling boys club of grown men to watch porn at fucking work? In what universe is that better?
On the bright side, she will have no shortage of lawyers contacting her for the wrongful termination lawsuit.
I wonder if they did that cost-benefit analysis when they terminated her. Because I guarantee they’re going to lose more money and get more (international!) bad press in this outcome than in any other.
woman = protected class bruh
She should have been making her side income like all the other mechanics: by using the company facilities to do side jobs.
That’s the thing, this shouldn’t have haunted her. Nothing wrong with making some porn on the side. She was wrenching for a living, not running for office. The people that would haunt her for this are the ones to blame, not her and her onlyfans account.
Vaughn’s story is a reminder that it’s still not easy for women in the car business or, often, car culture in general.
She was thinking she’s an adult and should be able to do what she likes in her personal time.
She was also thinking she had bills to pay.
You can punch someone, shoot them in the face and burn their body on TV and no one cares.
Man, screw this dealership. Blaming her preemptively for harassment that hasn’t actually happened yet is some amazing HR work.
Thats sad. Instead of punishing the clearly ingrained sexist culture, they decided it was easier to punish the woman instead.
Well, this sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.
1. America needs to grow the fuck up. There are so few jobs I can think of where it’s a problem if you do a lil porn on the side.
Fuck that dealership, the cowards already shut down their FB pages cause of all the backlash they were getting. Also spending a week in Indiana was a week too long to know what a shithole that place is, I hope she gets out of that place.
The bell curve of idiotic driving is mostly “IDGAF, I’m rich” or “IDGAF, I’ve got nothing to lose”