Well Ainsley, there seem to be plenty of American college students/newly laid off people around that might like the opportunity to raise your kids for you.
Well Ainsley, there seem to be plenty of American college students/newly laid off people around that might like the opportunity to raise your kids for you.
Um, they went silent because they all knew the stream was live. At least one giggled. I’m going with SOP.
anyone who has done any online gaming knows that word is one that you never stop hearing. it’s unfortunately part of the trash-talk vocabulary for a shockingly large portion of men/boys who play online. i’ve heard it a billion times. i’ve had it directed at me a billion times. i am frankly not at all shocked that…
Not surprising, considering Forza 7 on PC was such a mess. I wanted to love the game so much, and I put many MANY hours into it and bought/collected/customized many of my favorite cars. So they’re going to try and recoup all that money they burned trying to fix F7.
I’d like to point everyone to this article, don’t even waste your time with this game.
Shrug. I just got an email, right before seeing this article here, from USAA and their AMAZINGLY named CEO Wayne Peacock saying we’d get 20% on two months of premiums and that it should be out in the next two weeks or so.
Yep, nothing to see here. Their response was perfectly reasonable. This is just the usual “down with the man” crap that plagues this site.
Stop trying to make “bells” happen.
Stop trying to make “bells” happen.
It’s also a really bad idea to wash fruits and veggies with soap, as ingesting soap can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Yup, the side treatment is very Mustang.
Because they’re leaving room for the $100K version that’s coming.
I disagree. The rendering looks like a mustang rear end hastily photoshopped onto a c8 with the windscreen pushed back. The C7 looks much better than that render. That said, I adore the C8 body.
It’s painfully boring and the rump doesn’t look like it fits the rest of the car. It looks chopped off, like a loaf that’s been pinched off mid-poop.
I’m not sure that’s really the case. Most generations of European cars don’t look hugely different from one generation to the next, other than the occasional complete restyling (which the Japanese makers do as well).
No sir, I don’t like it.
Maybe unpopular opinion, but I like the original one more. Its busy yes, but its unique at least. I’d get rid of those fake vents and dull down the edginess of the bottom edges, but overall the design looks cool.
I’d pay $50 to watch a livestream of tiny acrobats kicking the shit out of Daniel Lamarre.
the president does not have a grasp of how sentences work, though, Plus!
One of the things I like most about the fryer is that you can throw frozen stuff in there (fries, hash browns, etc.) and it comes out amazing. So I find that I end up using it a lot in tandem with whatever else I’m making for dinner.
Give us an air fryer series!