Okay, this was dumb and all, but really? He gets banned, fired, and is likely to lose his career now?
Okay, this was dumb and all, but really? He gets banned, fired, and is likely to lose his career now?
Would your employer allow you to play with a gun while drunk and on the clock?
For all intents and purposes... he was working. He was representing many of the companies he works for... arguably, if he had not shot the gun, he would have made money off the video. So that video would be technically work... for the companies that pay him. Please explain why you think this is insane.
He was definitely drunk as he said in his follow-up video. It’s mentioned in the article.
I dunno if he was drunk, but there was at least alcohol present. Drunken gun shenanigans probably isn’t the image Twitch is looking for for their platform.
There are plenty of responsible streamers waiting to take his place.
Dipshit loses extremely volatile revenue stream because he acted like a dipshit. How are you shocked?
You’re as delusional as he is. First medicare is not free. I paid into it for over 50 years and I still pay monthly premiums.
This is so stupid. It’s like you don’t understand that people routinely ask, “How will you pay for it?”
The article never said medicare is free. You paid into it and you are receiving it, yet you complain?
This is called reporting, not editorializing. That is not endorsing. Have you been so brainwashed that you can not even recognize just straight information?
No. It’s presenting facts and allowing you to make your own opinion. This is not an editorial, it’s reportage. Years of cable news means you don’t know the difference.
Ok, Boomer.
But seriously - anyone who says they put themselves through college by working is either full of shit, or old. Period.
You simply cannot pay for even the average annual cost of a public university on the wages that a recent high school graduate would make. Even if you lucked out and managed to work 40…
I recently read this article about Bernie on Vox https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/2/25/21152538/bernie-sanders-electability-president-moderates-data . It really took a deep dive into the data to see how electable he actually is. To make a long story short, he could win, but it would take an unprecedented…
Because unlike the flu, this is not a seasonal and (somewhat) predictable disease that we are preparing to battle every year. Unlike the flu, a new virus like this is unpredictable, with unknown rates and modes of transmission, symptoms, and mortality rates. Like the flu, these diseases can evolve very quickly, and…
Meh not exactly the same. We do this dance every year with the flu so it doesn’t seem as out of the ordinary.. but the flu is some serious shit. Every year we get inundated with reminders to get our flu shots, pharmacies giving out free shots; all in the name of mitigating it, and if we get it wrong way more people…
A trick I use to avoid “certain” people at a party is helping out in the kitchen, host(s) always appreciate an experienced hand and it’s easy avoid “that” person when you are busy. Besides, working in the kitchen you are guaranteed one of two things; 1) one to one personal conversations and 2) to have the first crack…
While it may have been funny on Curb, I don’t think it actually applies to a party. (And while I haven’t seen the episode, I would imagine that whomever he was giving the big goodbye to probably didn’t want to talk to him, either.)
“How to avoid someone at a party without being a jerk.”
Somewhere near Edwards, CO, a 36 year old woman whispers “good.”